Money Talks! - v0.9.0

Crafty Survivors

All heroes got corrupted! Unlock a diverse cast of crafty professionals, use their unique skills, create your own builds and defend your home by eliminating hordes of monsters. Gather materials, rebuild your village and craft your way to the origin of this malignous curse!

Hello Crafters! How is everyone doing? Crafty Survivors is part of the Game Devs of Color Expo, starting today on Steam! The game will be on discount through the duration of the event! For those who don't know, we are all Latin Americans at Flannel Bear Games (we are Brazilians originally, although we live in Canada now and also, we are 2 people in total, but it sounded more fun to say "we all"), and the music composer that works with us is also Brazilian. New patch is here, bringing some heated content to the game! Yes, a Desert. That's HOT! The 12th character, Monet, is joining the roster today! A whole new gameplay style and some of the weirdest skills we came up with so far are being introduced with the Banker! This patch brings a whole new area with different visuals, music, variants of the pesky enemies and new ones with different mechanics. And of course, some juicy materials to collect, as usual. Monet also has her Talent Skills in the Village Systems, which can affect her gameplay in some real drastic and dramatic ways. So remember to check which ones work for you the most. We are also adding a few Quality of Life things in this update, that actually come from a few requests in the community here and on the Discord. We hope some of these changes will help smooth the experience for some players. Check which ones they are at the Patch Notes below. Also, an important reminder, that we mentioned a few times before: [b]Crafty Survivors is increasing in price soon to match the final price of the game before the release of 1.0.[/b] Let's dive into the Patch Notes: [h3]Patch Notes - v0.9.0[/h3] [h2]New Character[/h2] [h3]Monet, the Banker[/h3] [previewyoutube=JTPU3juYeU4;full][/previewyoutube] A new character is ready to join the Roster! The Banker is bringing in the Gold and spending it to crush her enemies in battle! Monet's mechanics all involve the basic resource that has been in the game since the beginning: Gold. While gathering gold through battle, the Banker will be able to use her skills by spending the resource in different amounts. Most of her skills have 3 thresholds of cost that make them even more powerful depending on how much Gold she has available in the battlefield. Some of her skills play a vital role in acquiring more Gold during the battle, while others focus on spending that Gold to deal devastating damage. There's even a skill that focus on spending Gold to earn MORE GOLD! Are you low on Gold? Monet might be the solution to making more! The Banker's basic attack also has thresholds of power depending on the current amount of Gold the player has during battle, making it a lot stronger but a bit slower as the fight progresses. All of her costs and thresholds scale with the current Stage the player is in, in order to make her viable in every Stage of the game, even the early ones. Bring forth the power of Gold to trample your enemies! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42919706/6749d30737a6f678d803ae5e39cc11227501e17f.gif[/img] [h2]Village[/h2] [h3]New Levels for the Buildings[/h3] With the update and a whole new area, new materials have been added to the game, so the buildings in the Village can go even further and bring more power to the Survivors. [h3]Building Upgrade Indicator[/h3] As suggested in the community, we were able to add an indicator in the Village that will show if a building can be upgraded or not, so players won't need to click every single building to find out if they can upgrade things. [h2]Area[/h2] [h3]Desert[/h3] [list] [*]A whole new area, the Desert, with its own Music theme; [*]New variants of enemies, with different behaviours; [*]New types of enemies; [*]New materials; [*]New field events and materials; [*]New hazards exclusively for the Desert. [/list] [h3]Map Completion %[/h3] As suggested in the community, we added a percentage completion on each Area next to their names. Players will be able to have a rough idea of how much of the Areas they have left to finish them. This indication will take in consideration the entire Area, even if the Stages are not available yet in the current version, so in the Desert, players will not be able to reach 100% of the Area for now. [h2]General[/h2] [list] [*]New mail to receive and find. [/list] [h2]Adjustments[/h2] [h3]Elixir Skills[/h3] [list] [*]Reduced the base damage of the skills Fungal Infestation, Fungal Vortex, Groundbreaking Roar and Organized Heist; [*]Added a skill tree indicator to the skill Fungal Infestation to better show how to obtain the skills that depend on it; [*]Impressive Stash Lv 3 change → Now increases max damage possible by 20% instead of only removing 50% of the buff when hit. This change was made due to the fact that the previous effect was creating too many undesirable situations, like players ending up with negative damage permanently. [/list] [h3]Smithing and Weaving Systems[/h3] [list] [*]Adjusted some of the talent skills trees path indicators as some had a wrong size and others were lighting the wrong nodes. [/list] [h3]General[/h3] [list] [*]Collectables will now reactivate their merge in intervals to reduce the amount of items on the ground and improve performance for some players. [/list] [h2]Fixes[/h2] [list] [*]Fixed an issue with some of the Protostar attacks that were being affected by the player’s opacity settings, making them hard to see; [*]Fixed a bug with Sewvia Talents - Flashing Burst and Hexing Burst as they could not be levelled past the lvl 3; [*]Fixed a bug with the skills from the Ancient Elixir that prevented them from showing up properly during a run; [*]Other small bug fixes. [/list] [h3]Next Steps[/h3] The Banker is finally out! After the debut of the building, the Bank, it has been a hint of the possibility of having the Banker in the game, which was definitely a character we started designing after we planned the building. We are organizing the order of updates to come as well to make sure everything is going smoothly as it needs to. We are not far from the v1.0 of Crafty Survivors! After this update, we are going to take a small break, as we need a few days to recharge. I will still keep an eye on the forums here for any bugs reports or major issues that need quick fixes, just to make sure things with the latest update are going smoothly. After the small break, we will continue developing new content. On a better note, we already started work on the 13th character! The 2nd character of the Desert will be coming on another update to complete the newest area, with the bosses and challenges. We will probably work on the next portion of Talent Skills for the Smithing and Weaving Systems before the 13th character is released, as bundling them all into a single update will definitely take too long, as it did before with v0.8.0. But we can finish this Update with a Sneak Peek of the next one, right? [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42919706/0b05c5e9517202c265a5be18c50caf070d24ee7c.gif[/img] No, it is not Newston, sorry. Who is ready to put the GOLD to use in Crafty Survivors? Use the Bankers connections and resources to crush your enemies with the POWER OF GOLD!