Daily Newton #5 - Summer into the Cavern

Crafty Survivors

All heroes got corrupted! Unlock a diverse cast of crafty professionals, use their unique skills, create your own builds and defend your home by eliminating hordes of monsters. Gather materials, rebuild your village and craft your way to the origin of this malignous curse!

Hello Crafters. How is the weather today? As the develop of our resident Jeweller continues, we are also working on the progress of the Cavern and the next Stages that will be available in-game, bringing more challenges, new enemies to fight and new materials to collect, so players can progress their buildings even further. I've seen a lot of players asking around about the Bone material in the forums and sometimes on the Discord, as I imagine they are eager to unlock further levels of the characters Talent Trees, however those are not in the game yet. They will be added with the release of Jewellia and the progress of the Cavern. As it's always been with the game, the Field Materials are used to halt the content and give us time to continue the development of Crafty Survivors, but they are never hidden in a way that requires searching for them in specific points of a Stage or a special character to find them. As a general rule of these materials, if you haven't found any of them in 2 or 3 stages you played, it means they are not implemented yet. One might question: "Wouldn't it be better to grey out the material for that? Or use another image?", and as simple as that may sound, we should always consider some things related to that. At first, being a simple change, it can also backfire if that material is overlooked later when it's implemented in game as it is only a small detail, it can be forgotten easily. A second point is, when the game is complete, that greyed out material would never exist in the first place, so the experience would be completely different. And of course, very important, there are materials that use a greyscale colour, so that would just be plain confusing in the end. So, that would be why making greyed out versions of the materials would be an issue instead of a good thing. So just keep that in mind: if the next stages are locked and you haven't found the material yet, it's definitely not in the game. Considering that though, we are planning to finish the Cavern area with the next update, releasing all the materials and levels available for the buildings of the Village up to the next area. This will bring a lot more Stages, bosses and enemies, along with the sought out Talent Tree of all characters to the game. However, it will take a bit longer to get to this step, as there is a lot of content to be developed to complete this area, so the next update will take a while. Aside from the bosses (which I won't spoil how many are coming), field events and an entire new character added to the game, the Talent Trees of the characters also takes time, as there are 11 characters to consider, and whenever a new one is added to the game, it just increases the number of skills needed for the game and that adds to the development time. I mentioned on the Jeweller's reveal that we originally planned only 10 characters and she was supposed to be the last to be added to the roster right? Some might think Mausolea was the one that was not originally planned, but as we mentioned on her reveal and debut, Mausolea was actually in the original plan since the Prototype of the game before the Early Access release! Everything related to her has been planned for a long time before her actual release in-game. The character that wasn't part of the original 10 was actually Theodore, the Miner. He, along with the other characters that are coming to the game, were designed after the release of the Early Access based on the reception and response to the game, which helped us decide to further the content of the game. I guess that is all for today, with the Daily Newton! More information in the future, so keep an eye out for it. Have a good day! And keep Crafty!