Minor Pupdate: Ephemeral Tale v1.41.1 & the Future

Ephemeral Tale

Ephemeral Tale is a dungeon crawler/looter hybrid for the modern age, featuring hand-crafted dungeons, classic JRPG-style combat, and a loot-driven progression system.

[h1]What’s new, fellas?[/h1] Let’s start off this Pupdate with an apology: [i]Ephemeral Tale[/i] development has not been as transparent as I’d like as of late. On the outside, it may appear like development has ceased entirely-- this couldn’t be further from the truth! You see, changes in my personal life lead to me needing more funds than [i]Ephemeral Tale[/i] alone could provide. In short, I got a full-time position at a local non-profit that has been eating up a ton of my spare time, and that led to development stalling for a period of time. However, for every door that closes… another one opens. Working on [i]Ephemeral Tale[/i] is something that I love doing. I never want to compromise on making cool, exciting things for you guys to do and see, but at several points in the development process I’ve had to do just that; compromise. Between quality and speed, or even my own skills! Having financial freedom from relying solely on the game means that I am free to ensure things get done in the way that I feel is ideal. What does this mean for you, the player? It means I can hire the help I need in the areas that I’m weakest, and bring you cooler, higher quality, exciting content. While I had previously said that there would be no more Major Pupdates remaining before the final release of [i]Ephemeral Tale[/i], that plan has now changed. The next Major Pupdate will be here before you know it. What does this mean going forward? Patches will be further apart than I'd like. I'm always active over on the Discord server, so feel free to hang out with us if you have any questions, feedback, or things you'd like to see and want a faster response! Sorry for the wait. Until next time, stay safe and have fun! [h2]Ephemeral Tale 1.41.1 Changelog[/h2] [list] [*] Sassy’s Murder Mitts now properly lower the players ATK to compensate for the additional burst damage provided by the effect [*] Updated passability guidelines for various tilesets [*] Updated the in-game graphic used for treasure chests [*] NOTE: If you find any wonky ones, please let me know! [/list]