Minor Patch v1.0.102.3

Another Crab's Treasure

In a vibrant undersea kingdom on the verge of collapse, a hermit crab embarks on a treasure hunt to buy back his repossessed shell. The second game from AGGRO CRAB.

Another patch is live! Thank you to our beta branch players for helping us test these changes :) [b]IMPORTANT FIXES[/b] [list] [*]We fixed the cursed issue with the blue pufferfish. You can kill blue pufferfish to your heart's content. [*]We updated our audio plugins to hopefully fix an issue where some users had no audio whatsoever. [*]We've gotten many reports of the game failing to save progress, but are still unable to reproduce the issue -- so now after you save, the game will check whether the save worked. If it didn't, it will display an angry message and boot you back to the Title screen. PLEASE show us if you encounter this and send us your log file. - Instructions for how to do so are in the FAQ channel in discord. [*]We have a possible fix to the issue where the game would give you Umami Crystals for free upon reloading the game. Let us know whether you're still experiencing this or not. [*]Added an option for "FPS Limit" in the settings for users reporting high GPU usage [/list] [b]GENERAL FIXES[/b] [list] [*]Fixed some achievement issues where they would not trigger. Now if you enter an MSS the game will check whether or not you have completed the achievement EXCEPT for "This Kills the Crab" and "You Fell Off" (in which you will have to re-trigger those again) [*]Fixed an issue where Shell UI wouldn't update language when the Language setting changes [*]Inadvertently fixed an issue where a Decoy could be placed on umami replenishers to infinitely restore umami [*]Fixed an issue where spinny part of the Felix Cube shell could become offset [*]Fixed an issue where smokescreen caused Pagurus to teleport [*]Fixed an issue where Heikea's camera clips thru the floor [*]Fixed a rare issue where you could get stuck in Heikea's grab attack the same way you could get stuck in the Duchess's [*]Fixed a bug where Kril would take damage from enemies hitting a Decoy [*]Added a 1 second buffer after swapping your hammer before you can block to prevent soft locks happening by doing it too fast. [*]Fixed an issue where the Fortify effect would last forever even after the visual expired [*]Added an extended floor only firth collides with so he doesn't fall off the sides [*]Fixed a small issue where killing a boss without aggroing them (gun) would make their dead icon never show up on the Map [*]Wad of Gum no longer triggers on attacks that deal no damage [*]Fixed an issue where hammer dash would yeet you [*]Prevented a soft lock at the end of the game where Kril's shell could go out [*]Fixed final boss arena collision [*]Fixed an issue where Umami Crystal count would increase for no reason upon returning to title and back to the game. [*]Made bobbits "X marks the spot" look slightly different from hidden items [*]Made it so you dont need to jump to aim at hidden items [*]Fixed an issue where you could scroll off the Status page and open the Shellfish Desires menu accidental [*]Fixed save slots without a save file appearing as an error in title save menu (introduced in [*]Infinite Stowaway Sale Fix [*]Removed previously sold Sand Dollars from shop. Sand Dollars are already infinite [*]Fixed Infinite loading bug caused by some shells in the player corpse [*]Fixed an issue where you could climb on the Consortium's back after it died [*]Fixed an issue where Topoda's fast movement during his sandstorm ability would cause the player to get flung into the air [*]Fixed an issue where certain costumes would appear completely black permanently after being gunked [*]Self-Repair logic fixed to not overheal  [*]Fixed an issue where taking off the gun would remove it from the shell collection menu [*]Fixed an issue where Kril could get stuck in a climbing animation when leaving a climbable surface in certain situations. [/list] [b]FEATURES[/b] [list] [*]Kril can now use Adaptations without a fork. Have fun, speedrunners! [/list] [b]LEVELS[/b] [list] [*]Improved floor collision in gas canister such that player can't get stuck [*]Fixed Pagurus's map piece randomly floating in the open ocean [*]Small fixes to platforming in Scuttleport Facilities [*]Various platforming and encounter fixes in the final area of the game [*]Replaced some rocks in the Unfathom that players could get stuck on [*]Fixed two collision issues in the Unfathom that allowed disc drive gates to be easily bypassed-Fixed an issue that caused a rock in the Unfathom to have a corrupted mesh [*]Fixed a collision issue with a crack in a tile platform in The Bleached City [*]Fixed a hole in the Expired Grove that Kril could get stuck in [*]Moved an item out of the wall in Flotsam Air Pocket cave [*]Fixed an issue where nemma and some urchins were floating in the void if you return to the pinbarge post fall [*]Fixed a small hole in the terrain near Topoda [*]Fixed an issue where you can walk around the trigger for Topoda's fight [*]Improved camera interactions with coral assets [*]Improved camera interactions in small interiors such as milk carton and gas canister homes such that visibility is maintained during close quarters combat [*]Fixed a rock hole in shallows where kril could get stuck [*]Fixed z-fighting issue that caused flickering on a weapon rack in Fort Slacktide [*]Fixed collision issue with Fort Slacktide rubble that could cause player to get stuck [*]Fixed an issue where the player could become trapped on a rock in Trade Route Detour [*]Fixed New Carcinia bell not colliding with Camera [*]Patched up a hole in the coral in New Carcinia [*]Increased visibility on a key point of interest in the Sands Between [*]Slowed down the speed of a powered moving platform in the Sands Between [*]Cleaned up collision on rocks in the Sands Between [*]Improved collision on treasure chest such that Kril can't get stuck [*]Fixed player being able to walk up a certain trash pile in The Open Ocean [*]Fixed missing caustics in The Open Ocean [*]Fixed Kril being able to get stuck in beverage cup lid [*]Fixed a rock in the grove you could get stuck in [*]Fixed a rock in Trade Route Detour could repeatedly make player respawn to their death [*]Removed troublesome urchin from the return route of an end game platforming challenge [/list] [b]ENEMY RELATED[/b] [list] [*]Polished up Bobbit worm visuals [*]Bobbit worms now release you and fling you much earlier if you have a shell. This prevents situations where they drag you under the map before releasing you. [*]Pushed a fix to Topoda sending players under the map with mantis punch [*]Fixed an issue where Petroch could be softlocked by hitting him with a bobbit trap before he spawns [*]You can no longer focus on Petroch before the fight starts [*]Actually fixed the issue where Topoda's brain would break if Smokescreen was used on him during his sandstorm phase [/list] [b]BALANCE[/b] [list] [*]Nerfed hammer slightly by adding an extra third of a second before the Hammer's first attack cancels. [*]Rubber Band now only halves electric damage and entirely removes the electric stun. [*]Stunpounder's chain lightning attack damage reduced from 90 → 75 [*]Stunpounder's chain lightning attack radius reduced by 25% to reduce the amount of doubled hits [*]Stunpounder's big lightning attack replaced entirely with an electric ring that can be jumped over, but the windup time is faster. [*]Stunpounder and Voltai: Electric ring damage buffed from 40 → 60 [*]Puffer Quill stowaway weight reduced from 3 → 2 [*]Rusty Nail+ stowaway changed to 6 ATK -5 MSG, Req. 8 RES [*]Bobbit Trap lockdown time reduced on bosses and extra large enemies. [*]Bobbit Trap extra lockdown time on Lv.3 upgrade is also reduced. [*]Praya Dubia Health increased from 3000 → 7000 [*]Praya Dubia Reduced Damage from orbital laser from 95→ 70 [*]Mantis Punch Base Damage reduced from 250 → 220 [*]Puffer Quill stowaway -DEF reduced to -10 [*]Reduced the amount of time you are invincible after swapping shells by 0.5s (It was too easy to abuse the mechanic to dodge damage even once kril finished the swap animation) [/list]