Minor Patch v1.0.101.0

Another Crab's Treasure

In a vibrant undersea kingdom on the verge of collapse, a hermit crab embarks on a treasure hunt to buy back his repossessed shell. The second game from AGGRO CRAB.

[h2]A few pieces of BIG NEWS this patch! [/h2] :GoOver: We've located the memory leak in our level loading that was causing lag & crashes after many repeated deaths or scene transitions - this is potentially MASSIVE for performance and was likely the cause of several other mysterious issues as the game's memory use stacked up. This patch also includes some balance changes to builds relying on high ATK + Scrap Hammer. It's a single-player game, and ultimately we're not going to get too picky about how powerful certain builds are, but we felt that some stuff was pretty far off where we wanted. We've nerfed Shark Tooth, as it essentially felt like a must-pick for any ATK-based build. But simultaneously, we've made Lug Nut slightly better, and MASSIVELY buffed the Dispatch skill, in the hopes that capsizing enemies continues to feel worth it into the late-game. Ring-a-ding also no longer stuns absolutely every enemy in the game. We probably could have seen that one coming. Of course, we've got plenty of other bug fixes here, especially ones relating to the camera, or to the player getting stuck in geometry. Hope you enjoy! (Note for anyone also playing on console: This update represents the cutoff for our first big round of hotfixes for console players! Now that we've made some serious optimization gains as well as fixing a lot of soft locks, we'll be bringing this patch to consoles as soon as possible!) [h2]General[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed a hole in the ground in The Shallows [*] Small Rock geometry fixes in The Shallows [*] Fixed a spot where the player could get stuck in the rockface in the tutorial area [*] Fixed an issue where enemies that dropped their hat would be able to be hurt by attacking the hat [*] Fixed an issue in the Sands Between where two Gumpounders that dropped bloodstar limbs would respawn, allowing you to farm [*] Fixed an issue where the player could become trapped on a trash bag in a ravine in the Sands Between [*] Fixed an issue where the player could become trapped on a rock in Hermit Cave [*] Circle of life now works properly and will trigger more than once. [*] Fixed an issue where player could stand on a certain gunk pit in Flotsam Vale [*] Fixed an issue where player could become trapped on trash near the Oil Drum in Expired Grove [*] Lobster Guard in Slacktide no longer floats above the ground [*] Sand Barrel in Slacktide no longer floats [*] Fixed collider on a comb gate just before New Carcinia to avoid wandering out of bounds [*] Fixed lobster statue in Slacktide missing collision [*] Die Instantly will kill you regardless of assist settings. You don't even take damage, you just die. It's that instant. [*] Shell Abilities Fortify and Stealth no longer double charge Umami Charges [*] Fortify VFX end properly when the effect is disabled. [*] Fixed geometry in a section of Expired Grove that could lead to issues in pitfall respawn safety [*] Fixed an issue where Moon Jelly could push the player through the floor if standing under it [*] Fixed an issue where the Skull shell would not spawn after killing the enemy that dropped it in Expired Grove, potentially locking out Shell Collection completion [*] Shell Spells are no longer displayed in the UI until you unlock them. [*] Fixes to some unintended skips around Adaptation-Gated obstacles in the Expired Grove [*] Skills tab in the pause menu now properly displays the starter 3 skills once you've unlocked Shelleport [*] Removed geometry in Flotsam Vale that could be used to access a cliff in an unintended path [*] Removed the possibility of a softlock in a pit in Flotsam Vale [/list] [h2]Camera[/h2] [list] [*] Camera collision improvements for the pipeline in the shallows [*] Fixed an issue where the camera could freak out while wearing the Gun in a tight space. [*] Fix to many cases where the camera would clip through the ground during the Dispatch animation. [*] Pufferfish have a more stable lock-on target during their big spin move, preventing nauseating camera movement as they spin. [/list] [h2]Accessibility [/h2] [list] [*] Added Recover Microplastics button to Assist Menu. [/list] [h2]Balance[/h2] [list] [*] Lug Nut Attack speed debuff reduced slightly from -30% to -25% [*] Default Capsize Time for most enemies reduced from 2.5s to 2.25s [*] Dispatch base damage buffed from 95 to 150 [*] Ring-a-Ding no longer interrupts bosses or strong enemies. [*] Shark tooth bonus damage nerfed from 30% to 20% [*] Shark tooth+ bonus damage nerfed from 60% to 40% [/list] [h2]Combat[/h2] [list] [*] Hammer attacks should now work properly with attack speed modifiers [*] Dispatch no longer breaks the hammer instantly [*] Dispatch now properly accounts for hammer damage [*] Fixed an issue where Nephro's grab attack could throw you out of the arena [*] [/list] [h2]Enemies[/h2] [list] [*] Possible fix to weird visual corruption and crash when killing the Bleached Pufferfish. [*] Topoda can no longer be spearfished during his sandstorm, as it was causing an issue where he stays invincible forever. [*] Large Thimble Rangoons no longer are marked as small weight class. [/list] [h2]Localization[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed a typo in Konche's intro dialogue in French. [/list]