HOTFIX v1.0.100.8

Another Crab's Treasure

In a vibrant undersea kingdom on the verge of collapse, a hermit crab embarks on a treasure hunt to buy back his repossessed shell. The second game from AGGRO CRAB.

[list] [*]Players with pit damage turned off were occasionally ending up in infinite loops of falling into the abyss, unable to die or pause the game. We will be working on reducing the instances where the game can spawn you in an improper place, but for now, we have added a failsafe where falling into a pit several times in a row this way will simply kill you, regardless of your assist settings. This should prevent players from getting soft locked this way. [*]Fixed a rare soft lock where restarting the game could prevent the Moon Snail Shell in the Moon Snail's Domain from ever spawning. It should now always appear if you have talked to the Moon Snail at least once. [*]Adjusted the collision detection on many bosses, to hopefully reduce instances of them falling through floors and dying without a fair fight. [/list]