Midinous Needs Localization


Midinous is a grid-based non-linear MIDI sequencer usable with any Digital Audio Workstation or hardware that accepts MIDI messages. Midinous can also generate its own simple sounds either for reference, or for normal use.

[h3]Hello![/h3] Midinous is growing slowly but steadily, and something is clear: Midinous is being used [b]worldwide[/b] by roughly 10k creatives (as of May 2024). [h3]What this means:[/h3] [list] [*] Midinous needs to be in different languages to remain accessible to as many folks as possible [*] With a limited budget, I need your help [/list] [h3]How It'll Work[/h3] I'm asking for native language speakers (NLS), regardless of language, to help bring Midinous to a larger audience. Once the team is assembled, every NLS will have the opportunity to localize Midinous into their language of expertise. I would prefer there be two NLS for languages so that you may share ideas, but I'll be fine starting the effort with only one. Midinous has language in need of localization in the following areas: [list] [*] Official documentation [*] Tooltip text [*] Menu items [*] Error messages (and logs) [/list] [h3]What I Can Offer You[/h3] This is unfortunately where I fall short. As much as I'd love to compensate anyone who helps, I can do so only in a limited capacity (such as providing you with keys to Midinous, or early access to new features as Midinous evolves). I'm coming to the community for help because this is a task that I simply could not do alone without a great deal of linguistic effort, and I definitely don't want to use a translator to do it; we know how misleading and inaccurate those can be. [h3]The Current Team[/h3] I have at least one NLS for the following: [list] [*] Spanish [*] German [/list] It's a pretty short list, but I'm already eternally grateful to them for volunteering. I hope you'll help make Midinous better into the future as well! If you are interested, please [url=https://discord.gg/2G5GNGk]join the official Midinous Discord[/url] and send me a private message or ping me. I'll add you to the private channel so we can start working together. As always, regardless of what you wish to do, keep creating. Jae ♥