Looking Forward, Looking Back

WolfQuest: Classic

LIVE THE LIFE OF A WILD WOLF! As a two-year-old gray wolf in Yellowstone National Park, hunt elk and moose, find a mate, and then establish a territory and raise your pups.

https://youtu.be/lOLrZy7WzS8 We are one week away from the release of WolfQuest: Anniversary Edition early access for PC and Mac computers! It has been a lot longer haul to get here than anybody expected but this initial release is in sight and, of course, there's lots more to come after that: Slough Creek, Lost River, multiplayer, mobile, and Tower Fall! We are very excited how things are coming together and eager to get it out there! So we thought we'd just take this moment to look back at how WolfQuest began. A couple years ago, we made a video about those early days of WolfQuest and so we thought we'd bring that back around now. So we hope you'll take a little time and watch it while you're waiting for next Thursday and the Early Access release of WolfQuest: Anniversary Edition for PC and Mac! Wildest Dreams: The Story of WolfQuest (Chapter 1): https://youtu.be/bDeA-0I7xjM Catch up on all the development news at WolfQuest. org/blog