Back from Yellowstone! And a few troubleshooting tips

WolfQuest: Classic

LIVE THE LIFE OF A WILD WOLF! As a two-year-old gray wolf in Yellowstone National Park, hunt elk and moose, find a mate, and then establish a territory and raise your pups.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/18289862/7b67fa40b70b93f75769db4618e8abec3b378763.jpg[/img] We're back from Yellowstone National Park, where we had an excellent time exploring the areas where the game is set: Amethyst Mountain, Slough Creek, and Tower Fall, We also met with Dan Stahler, YNP wolf biologist and one of our science advisors for the game. As usual, he had a wealth of fascinating information to guide us as we get deeper into the gameplay and quests for the upcoming Slough Creek mission -- including some hair-raising stories of rival pack raids on pup dens! We're now back in the thick of it and have been preparing the next patch which has more than fifty bugfixes and tweaks that our amazing Unity developers -- Tommi, Andrei, and Mikko -- did since the last patch. It's going into beta testing today and should be released in the first part of next week. We have also gotten bug reports on a some issues that appear to be due to computer hardware/software, not the game. Here are some comments on those: [b]No audio whatsoever: [/b]Try uninstalling and then reinstalling your audio drivers (in your Windows Device Manager). That has worked for several people. [b]No cursor appears when Emotes panel is open:[/b] Please[url=] try the tips here[/url] and let us know if they help. [b]Game suddenly starts displaying rainbow/psychedelic colors:[/b] This seems to happen only on old AMD GPUs. If you see this problem, please try updating your graphics drivers. If that doesn't help, then please email us (bugs 'at' so we can try to investigate it with your help. [b]Strange wolf reflections in water: [/b]This may also be fixed by updating your graphics drivers. [b]Wolf is invisible or a thin black line: [/b]This occurs on Intel HD 3000, a very basic integrated graphics chip from 2014. This is below the game's minimum hardware requirements and probably also indicates the game won't run in general. If you're having other problems, check out our [url=]Knowledge Base[/url], which has more troubleshooting tips.