Carcass Camera Trap

WolfQuest: Classic

LIVE THE LIFE OF A WILD WOLF! As a two-year-old gray wolf in Yellowstone National Park, hunt elk and moose, find a mate, and then establish a territory and raise your pups. A large kill, like an elk, provides a lot of meat for a wolf pack. Living in a feast or famine world, wolves often go several days without successfully making a kill, but they can gorge themselves and can quickly consume 20 pounds each.  Wolfing down your food is a handy skill in Yellowstone since there are so many uninvited guests happy to come to your dinner party.   In fact, Yellowstone wolves don’t usually move or cache carcasses. They concentrate on keeping control of the main buffet until their bellies are full or they are driven away by a hungry bear or stranger wolves.  If a wolf decides it is time to flee, they may grab a bite to go (and you can do this in WolfQuest 3).   As you can see in this video, bears, cougars, coyotes, ravens, foxes, and other animals benefit from wolf kills… and they don’t take long to arrive! Ravens are even known to follow wolves on the hunt so they can be first in line once the wolves tear open the feast. Hungry grizzlies are next to impossible to drive away and they are known to camp out to keep it for themselves. Every animal is alert at carcasses, assessing the risks vs. rewards. Since it is hard to eat and fight at the same time, you will have to decide whether you should dine or dash.