Livestream and Q&A on June 25th

Thumb Tanks

Annoy your friends and get medals for it: shoot, deploy mines and use your tank's special ability to take the crown in this PVP split-screen frenzy. Collect coins and upgrade your tank. An easy to learn party-game with depth for hours of feuds with your friends.

[b]Why you should watch this one?[/b] Let's face it. I never did a livestream. Therefore the first one might not go as planned. This one however will be smooth as silk - kinda. Over 25 years ago, a buddy showed me my first lines of QuickBASIC. Immediately enthusiastic I knew that I wanted to use this magic power to create games. Since then I have programmed almost continuously. Heck, I even have a small company that does full-stack web development. Almost the only thing I haven’t programmed since then is a lousy finished game. Now beeing an somewhat old fart and a handful of demos started, it was time to finally get one finished. Keep it small, keep it simple, but finish it. That was my motto behind Thumb Tanks. Is it the best game ever? Probably not. Is it fun? I mean yes, some agree with me. In the stream, I'll shortly talk about the game, show a complete 4 player match to explain all the mechanics and then answer all the questions you might have. See you there! Chris