Line War Tournament 24T2

Line War

A new type of RTS-style game with elements from 4X, Wargame, and Real-Time Tactics genres. Draw commands and execute a superior strategy to win over your opponent without the need for micro-management.

Hello everyone! The next official Line War tournament [b]24T2[/b] is approaching. Registration is public and open to everyone, beginners and pro's alike! This is just for fun. No pressure, no expectations. See the [url=]tournament wiki[/url] for detailed info. [b]TOURNAMENT SUMMARY[/b] [list] [*] July 1 through July 7 [*] 32 player group stage [*] 16 players advance to finals stage [*] All regular matches are best-of-1 [*] All finals and semi-finals are best-of-3 [*] All players bring 2 "extra life" throughout all stages that can be used to declare a match they just played as "null and void" [/list] [b]MEDIA COVERAGE[/b] Expect some full-length, narrated tournament matches to pop up in these places eventually [list] [*] [url=]SodaQuackers (YouTube)[/url] [*] [url=]Jon Joe (YouTube)[/url] [*] [url=]Line War (YouTube)[/url] [/list] Best Basantos