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Happy Bones

After receiving a message from her father who has been missing for the last 4 years, Laura heads out to a house located inside a cult compound to search for her parents, and the truth.

Hey everyone! Real quick read here, just wanted to announce that the Frosted Fears Twitter page is up and absolutely THRIVING. If you haven't yet, go ahead and follow it using []THIS LINK RIGHT HERE[/url] There you'll regular updates on the development of the upcoming Happy Bones Infernal, the Happy Bones content updates, and general shenanigans that you wouldn't normally get here on the Steam Community forums! And to wrap things up, in the coming weeks be on the lookout for the launch of the Steam Store Page for Happy Bones Infernal! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39628239/464077986e632965e37c8ef4c390d1f809c6bfb3.png[/img] Until next time, thanks for playing :)!