Join and Play Youtubers Life's Christmas Event Now!

Youtubers Life

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What's up, youtubers! Christmas is finally here! This is the perfect moment for YouTubers to enjoy their favorite games and upload videos to their youtube channels... Which means it's the best time to play Youtubers Life! This is precisely why the Christmas event is coming back this year! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/24759264/e00ebbb89fe91f63b23c2b964a20e6b78dbd2027.png[/img] Here is everything that Youtubers Life OMG brings for Christmas: [list] [*] Get the [b]Elf suit[/b] and become viral while embodying the true spirit of this season. [*] [b]Candy, turkey, gingerbread, grapes[/b]... exclusive meals for Christmas are now available for merry meals! [*] Theme your setup with seasonal [b]Christmas ornaments[/b]! The perfect item to fill your place with peace, joy, and love! [*] Unlock the exclusive Steam Achievement: [b]The Three Wise Youtubers[/b], by collecting all the featured items: the 4 Christmas meals, the Elf outfit, and the Christmas Ornaments! [/list] [h3][b]Youtubers Life OMG also joins the Winter Sales with a fabulous [b]-60% discount[/b] until January 5th, so it's the perfect time for you to get it if you haven't already![/b][/h3] And let's not forget! You can also [b]get Youtubers Life 2 at 30% off until January 5th![/b] If you prefer to get the two titles at once, you can grab the [b]Youtubers Life 1+ 2: Complete the Franchise[/b] Bundle at an extra 20% off until January 5th! Happy Holidays!