T-Minus 1 Month Until Release!

Object Ward.

Object Ward is a visual novel about the various misadventures of a man who sees everyone with an inanimate object for a head. What is real, and what is a hallucination?

Hello everyone, I have some exciting news... Object Ward will be released on May 31st! This game has been in development for nearly six years, and will finally be experienced by players. Despite Object Ward's strangeness, it's a story of love, friendship, and personal growth. I hope you all will enjoy.[previewyoutube=J4uwlV7j3hU;leftthumb][/previewyoutube] There will be -7 Awesome routes with 4 men & 2 women to romance -150k+ words -21 endings -Over 40 unique CGs -Option to turn off gay/straight/both adult scenes, + free adult patch Wishlist the game if you haven't already. Share and spread the news!