Introducing the Goathernet Update!


Goat of Duty is a fast-paced multiplayer shooter where goats armed to the horns bleat face to face in a relentless deathmatch. Ram and troll your friends, own the craziest goatstumes, and put your skills to the test in the quirkiest FPS ever. Are you ready to become the GOAT of goats?

Dear goatified players, It's been a goat time! How are you all doing? We've been busy goating around the servers to bring you the newest addition to the Goat of Duty cinematic universe. Introducing the [b]Goathernet Update[/b]! [h3]What's new in the Goathernet Update (most commonly known as 0.5.1 update)?[/h3] [list] [*] HUGE news: [b]There's a new and improved network arbitrage in place![/b] This means that there won't be lag differences between client and server players (those joining the matches, and those hosting them). Now, shooting is waaaay more responsive and satisfying for all the bullet weapons (which excludes Fus Ro Beh because it only shoots air... special, dragonborn air). The experience of playing Goat of Duty will now be better for everygoat! [*] There's [b]no more pushback[/b] while shooting the Nailgun. NAIL THEM. NAIL THEM ALL. [*] We've adjusted [b]the mouth of the flamethrower[/b] to have a more streamlined opening, thus allowing you to see better where you shoot at! We care for your vision. [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/34981763/104a4e2269a89762158314e8a8f776ceac8409f5.gif[/img] [u]Thanosed bugs[/u] [list] [*] Fixed a tremendous drop in performance after playing several consecutive matches. The responsible: an infamous memory leak, now eradicated. [*] We fixed the bug that was resetting goat points in some cases. We truly apologize to those affected by this issue. We value your time playing Goat of Duty and your effort in climbing the leaderboards to become the G.O.A.T. [*] Corrected a goat point issue consisting of showing 0 points for some players in the scoreboard and the lobby. That was a lie. [*] Fixed a spawn in mid-air bug that was randomly spawning some goats in mid-air, sometimes even outside of the map. IT'S RAINING GOATS. HALLELUJAH, IT'S RAINING GOATS. [*] Goat rid of a random crash while idling in the main menu. [*] Fixed the missing chart and timer in the training celebration screen. Now they are not missing. They are unmissing. [*] Increased particle performance in the main menu. Their latest concert wasn't as good, so we practiced with them, thus becoming a truly fine band! (sorry) [*] A random crash during Markhor tag is now fixed. Thank GoD. [*] Other minor, mysterious fixes... [/list] [h3]ONE MORE THING![/h3] This new update is focused on preparing the servers for a new influx of goats... So arm up and stretch your legs on the goatfield, 'cause [b]something's gonna happen really soon![/b] Stay safe, goaties. [i]The 34 Big Things & Raiser Games Teams.[/i]