This is a story of a high Elven prince fall from grace. He is thrown out of Solaris for his unclean blood. Finding himself exiled to the land of the lower he has to form unlikely alliances and train his vampire powers to obtain vengeance for his crown, his family and most importantly his honor.
[h1]This first week of September we have been bringing you non stop updates from bug patches to quality of life and this major list is us showing you we are devoted and will not stop until you love our game!
[b][h3]First of let's start with my favorite updates:[/h3][/b]
[*] ⦁ Changed mainmap under elven city entirely with new areas
[*] ⦁ Optimized AI combat so it's not so easy with strafing sub enemies
[*] ⦁ lowered ambient music 50% so can hear voiced dialogue
[*] ⦁ fixed arena cutscene 100% complete with SFX that means the cutscene is textured and has full voice dialogue and sound effects
[*] ⦁ made it so certain areas discovered now have fast travel and exp gain when discovering new region of map! (Basically fast travel landmarks are here!)
[*] ⦁ added sound effects to levelups & at level 10 it will notify you in an epic way that you may now enter the dragon's crypt
[*] ⦁ useful landmark icons
[*] ⦁ added heal/block effect to dragon-bull tutorial boss
[*] ⦁ patched show hint notifications
[*] ⦁ fixed hp bar across the board for all Bosses (the hp bar appears and re-appears based on distance)
[*] ⦁ saber tooth tigers spawn near highest ice mountains also in an ice caves like baby polar bears
[*] ⦁ made dragon bull have a timer to look at player for charging correctly
[*] ⦁ add water footstep SFX to new areas on map
[*] ⦁ allow to pull out torch when unarmed/torch bugs
[*] ⦁ physical dmg shows up for dropped items now
[*] ⦁ Alieron inner dialogue text(it's a start)
[*] ⦁ collision for elven city parts fixed
[*] ⦁ fixed anti-gravity issues with AI/objects
[*] ⦁ different species of dragonbull spawn near dragon crypt & inside
[*] Plus a lot more small things forgot to mention
[*] We know this is mostly end game content for the dragon boss fight but we are getting the place ready!
[*] ⦁ dragon crypt map optimized
[*] ⦁ elven bounty hunter spawns inside dragoncrypt
[*] ⦁ lockpicked chests now added and lockpicks dropped by elven bounty hunter
[*] ⦁ added working ladders to dragoncrypt
[*] ⦁ made swinging pendelum traps work to kill players
[*] ⦁ add lizard paladin guards to have dodge -> then small awesome heal effect
[h1]Please be on the look out for our very own first Developer Blog that will be released by our head developer/creator on youtube this month that showcases some of the epic things we have coming up and we worked on! Have a great September be sure we are always on discord to take your suggestions and working on improving the game.[/h1]
Thank you for reading this!