Crash fixes, intro cutscene, bug fixes

Blood of the Elves

This is a story of a high Elven prince fall from grace. He is thrown out of Solaris for his unclean blood. Finding himself exiled to the land of the lower he has to form unlikely alliances and train his vampire powers to obtain vengeance for his crown, his family and most importantly his honor.

[list] [*] Bug fix with horse flying [*] Bug fix with orc textures [*] bug fix with balancing levels of orcs [*] Bug fixes with AI/bosses AI hp/reset distance [*] [h2]ADDED VOICE DIALOGUE TO CHAPTER 1![/h2] [h2]ADDED INTRODUCTION CUT SCENE FOR BACKSTORY[/h2] Optimized performance even more we are still working to bring you full controller support even better optimization and translations we hope these updates can suffice for now and show you that [/list] [h1]we are dedicated, behind the scenes working on improving the game[/h1]!