This is a story of a high Elven prince fall from grace. He is thrown out of Solaris for his unclean blood. Finding himself exiled to the land of the lower he has to form unlikely alliances and train his vampire powers to obtain vengeance for his crown, his family and most importantly his honor.
[h2][b]25 Updates from alpha testers who are not beta they are sigma for finding all these issues for us devs to patch for you to enjoy the game. We promise the next 12 updates will knock your socks off (if you are wearing socks).[/b][/h2]
[*] [h3]1. we cut the clutter for the pillars in Solaris great hall near wizard ermos hall
[*] 2. pillars in middle of great hall of elven city look too small and weak not enough power in such a powerful place so we made them tough as nails they definitely don't go to weenie hut jr anymore
[*] 3. make a “Load Save” option when in the escaped pause menu
[*] 4. Made a Giant cloud underneath elven city so it isn’t so out of place and in the air like in the middle of nowhere
[*] 5. we fixed the flying horse extremely difficult. before it couldn't turn left or right easy enough for being in the air. Now you should be able to make sharper turns
[*] 6. save controller setting when you unplug controller
[*] 7. cut the holding interact time in half
[*] 8. enemies on easy do FAR too much damage (health regens faster and enemies doing damage 1/2) so we made easy difficulty an actually much easier more fun time!
[*] 9. replaced brown horse with white horse for elven prince and grey horse for elven king
[*] 10. made minimap useful zoomout of it a bit to see landmarks and now we know where we are.
[*] 11. fix stop being frozen after kills wtf?!
[*] 12. fixed NPCs being launched & player being launched hundreds of feet lol
[*] 13. market or potential way to get healing items early on
[*] 14. health regen on easy mode out of combat way faster
[*] 15. fixed get level ingame UI next to bat
[*] 16. made it so default pressing B on controller closes any pause menu no matter what (circle on PlayStation controller)
[*] 17. fixed falling through floor if save game inside snowy cave
[*] 18. we put barriers or fencing infront of colloseum manager so you don’t keep falling into colloseum in the elven city arena
[*] 19. abilities now work great and you gain them each levelup and during 30orc kill mission
[*] 20. starting room looks out of place so we added more detail on the outside to make it fit in
[*] 21. changed overdone coloring in elven city to better contrast golden/metallic coloring
[*] 22. fix guy walking in zig zags instead of just running straight (sprinting in forest)
[*] 23. made a place to break barrels and boxes on top of vampire castle
[*] (with chance of getting gold/potions/chalice drops)
[*] 24. make bows work for controller & better controller support
[*] 25. fixed major dupe of items[/h3]