Hotfix - Playtest Build

Project Warlock II

Adrenaline-pumping gore retro funhouse that’s full of guns, magic, demons, vertical arenas, 3D visuals, 2D sprites, and heavy metal music. Inspired by FPS classics like Quake and Doom 64, Project Warlock II is the explosive boomer shooter sequel you were too shy to ask for.

[h2][b]Changelog[/b][/h2] [h3][b]Fixes[/b][/h3] [list] [*] Improved Utility Shop UI readability -> Added separators between upgrades and utilities and added text "Pick One" [*] Fixed an issue where player would get stuck on geometry in certain moments, especially near walls [*] Fixed an issue where invisible wall on E1M1 would not disappear after yellow key unlock (reported by Dwailing) [*] Fixed an issue where stat and perk points would be displayed incorrectly on 21:9 displays (reported by 3dioot) [/list]