Hi colonists,
We just made an update focused on balancing. Please note that [b]These changes will not be present in old saves,[/b] so we strongly recommend restarting levels rather than loading them.
[h2][b]Update 1.02[/b][/h2]
[list][*] [b]Increased starting water in wells[/b]
Increased starting water in wells
Chapter 1 14k 🠊 18k
Chapter 2 5k 🠊 6.5k
Chapter 3 5k 🠊 9k
Chapter 7 5k 🠊 6.5k
Increased Berry Bushes collection rate (10%)
90/H 🠊 99/H
Increased Scrap Piles collection rate (10%)
60/H 🠊 66/H
Increased Water Extractor collection rate (30%)
135/H 🠊 175/H
Increased Water Collector collection rate (30%)
150/H 🠊 195/H
Increased Warka Tower collections rate (33%)
18/H 🠊 24/H
Farm production has been modified based on the water quality
Using poor water x 1.5 🠊 x 1.75
Using clean water x 2 🠊 x 2.5[/list]
[i]The above-mentioned changes make the first levels easier, provide a greater sense of player agency, and allow for more freedom of movement. Furthermore, they should encourage the construction of more buildings, especially converters.[/i]
[*] Reduced the max occupants by 1 in Medical Centers but increased the healing rate by 25%. This has no impact on the average healing provided per day but allows for faster cycling between the sick citizens. So essentially this means citizens spend less time getting treated, which consequently increases the amount of available workers at all times.
[*] Additionally, since the players will now have more resources we increased the damage from contaminated resources by nearly 40% but have reduced the amount of max damage a citizen can take while consuming said resources. This change aims to emphasize the importance of better water quality (and its use in the farm) and provide the player with a bigger reaction window for addressing the sick citizens.
[i]To put it into perspective a single Medical Center in combination with poor water consumption (from the Wetlands or the Purification Center) is enough to sustain a community of 50 people without ever having someone die (Not taking into account damages from other sources like events or expedition events).
Using Poor Water instead of Contaminated for consumption and irrigation reduces the average daily damage to citizens by 66%.[/i]
[*] Chapter 3 events have been “slowed down” to allow for more player experimentation.
[*] Chapter 7 has been slightly extended so that it lasts longer and allows for more player experimentation.
[*] Chapter 8 minimum duration has been increased.
[*] We reduced the requirements for the Windmill-related questline in Chapter 9 from 4 to 2.
[*] Expedition traveling speed has been reduced by 10% to deemphasize their usage in the beginning. The Lay of the Land rule bonus has been doubled. (So effectively expeditions start slower but eventually become faster than they are now).
[*] Travelling Speed in Endless has been reduced by 66%.
[*] Canines, Equidae, and birds of prey provide less food when butchered, livestock provide more.
[i]With the increase in the starting resources and collection rates, players can set up their bases faster before having to send expeditions. Additionally, this will allow players to pursue different avenues instead of feeling forced to “rush” expeditions. Finally, the increase in resource production makes preparations for expeditions easier.[/i]
[h2]Bug Fixes[/h2]
[*] Made a fix where the resolution of the game wasn’t being fitted correctly. Players can now also choose their preferred monitor.
[*] Fixed a bug in Chapter 5 where the ship was never returning from the island (Chapters need to be restarted).
[*] Reseted the world map in a more appropriate starting position in scenario 4. Always remember you can rotate with Q and E.
[*] Fixed a bug where Laws were being awarded even though it was found.
[*] Fixed a text field that was providing wrong info about the type of law slots found.
[*] Chapter 4 last location had the same location as Chapter 3.
[*] Fixed a bug where default resolution was problematic on PCs with multiple monitors.
[h2]Other improvements[/h2]
[*] Expedition parties now form instantly.
[*] Level 3 will now show when the next caravan will come.
[*] Quests for finishing scenarios 3 and 4 are now clearer.
[*] Building production and conversion on HUD tooltip have been separated to improve clarity.
[*] Improved the feedback when an event decision would max out the Vexation meters in Chapter 2.
[*] Pressing Shift allows for faster camera movement.
[*] Power Consumption/ Production can be seen outside of working hours.
[*] The game now autosaves when you quit a chapter.
[h2]New laws[/h2]
[*] [b]Equipped for Combat[/b]: Expeditioners will receive 5% less damage from all sources while exploring.
[*] [b]Haste Makes Waste[/b]: Expedition parties explore locations 10% slower but find 20% more stuff.
[h2]Upcoming improvements[/h2]
[*] We are working on a more advanced autosave system that can work as a failsafe in case you want to roll back.
[*] We are working on an improvement to make Happiness escalation more gradual so that players have more time to react, as well as better feedback.
[*] We are making improvements on all distribution modules in order to showcase more clearly issues that may not be functional.
[*] We are considering refactoring certain buildings like the farm, in order to make them more straightforward and improve their feedback.
[*] We are also making a change to streamline connection creations and automate them to a degree.
[*] We’ll be adding a bigger difficulty option.
[*] We also want to add more controls and options, like a toggle for edge scrolling, placing multiple buildings, etc.
[*] We are making changes to simplify the connection requirements for some buildings and also provide better feedback.
[*] We are working on improving the aesthetics of the expedition maps.
[*] Destroying storages should reallocate the contained resources to the other available storages.
[*] Steam cards will be released soon.
Thank you all for all your feedback so far.
We hope you have been enjoying [i]Homeseek[/i]! If you have, please leave us a review on Steam!
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See you in the wasteland.