Hi colonists,
We just made an update to address some issues you reported.
[h3][b]Hotfix 1.01[/b][/h3]
[*] Added several improvements to scenario 3 quests (including a bug that prevented the completion of a quest related to the Advanced Research Center), events, and expeditions.
[*] Fixed a bug where the citizens sometimes got stuck in Advanced houses (failing to eat, drink, go on expeditions, or do anything else).
[*] Made the expedition getting disbanded while preparing to leave much rarer now (this exists as a failsafe in case a citizen gets stuck somewhere).
[*] Fixed a bug where food contamination was too high. This was most prevalent on level 3.
[*] Increased the deadline for scenario 4 quest called “Fever”.
[*] Solved a bug where loading was resetting selected difficulty.
Thank you all for helping us locate these bugs.
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See you in the wasteland.