[b]A new demo build is here![/b]
[h3]Demo v.0.7.7 patch notes[/h3]
[*] Citizens now leaving work will automatically get replaced by available citizens. This covers the case where citizens go to medical as well (they get replaced by the one that just exited the medical). So no more going around to search who left from where!
[*] Working hours have been increased by 2 hours. This change fits the survival concept better and gives the player more time to interact and adapt to the settlement within a day.
[*] All buildings have been rebalanced based on the previous change.
[*] A few game-breaking bugs that were mostly occurring during save/ load have now been fixed.
[*] Consumption calculation on the tooltips of the HUD has been improved.
[*] Notifications will now display specifically the reason that citizens have left or died.
[*] Better quality of water than the requested will now be acceptable during expeditions and events.
[*] Citizens now get assigned to workplaces starting from the healthiest one. We still need to make an improvement here, since the way it is now if you assign everyone on work first, then the least healthy ones are the only ones that will go to expeditions.
[*] Some serious optimization was implemented, and you should see a major difference.
[*] More improvements for UX across the board.
[*] Speed will now resume at the same multiplier it was before pausing[/list]
These changes conclude the roadmap we released a few weeks ago after Next Fest. Let us know what you would like to be improved next!
[h3]Don't forget, the game is launching in 23 hours! We'll see you soon![/h3]
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