Help us to make the best K-Pop game on Steam.


Become the ultimate manager of tomorrow's superstars with "K-Pop!", an addictive clicker game created by stans for stans! Gather billions of fans, unlock idols at every milestone, compare your score with your friends and become the ultimate k-pop manager.

[h1][b]Introduction[/b][/h1] Hey everyone, I’m Laoune, the lead of the super passionate team working on K-Pop! I wanted to take a moment to update you on the status of our upcoming project, K-Pop!. We know that many of you are excited for our game, and we want to deliver the best (and the only xD) k-pop game for stans by stans. I'm thrilled to share our significant progress on K-Pop! Despite being a small team of passionate developers, we’ve made incredible strides, and we're on track to deliver something truly special. But to make this game the ultimate experience for K-pop fans, we need your help! [h2][b]Ready to help us to make the best K-Pop game ?[/b][/h2] We invite you to suggest your favorite idols to be added as collectible cards. [i]Don’t worry, boy groups and new card styles will be added in post-launch updates.[/i] Your support is crucial: add our game to your wishlist in large numbers to help us unlock more Steam features. Now, here's the thing about Steam: they’ve got some amazing features we want to unlock for K-Pop!—like extra slots for achievements and the ability to display your K-pop cards on your Steam profile. But here’s the catch: Steam (the bot) decides what features to grant based on how many people are hyped for the game before it launches. The more wishlists we get, the more likely Steam is to give us access to all these cool features, like: [list][*][b]More achievement slots:[/b] This means we can add specific achievements related to your favorite K-pop groups or even custom achievements based on your requests. [*][b]Profile integration:[/b] Imagine being able to show off your rare K-pop! favourite idolsdirectly on your Steam profile for everyone to see. [*][b]Marketplace exposure:[/b] With enough support, K-Pop! could get more visibility in Steam’s marketplace, which helps us continue adding more content and features.[/list] For our game to access all Steam features, we need a strong mobilization both before and after launch. Together, we can make this game a must-have experience for the K-pop community on Steam! Even if we don't reach all the goals right away, we'll still end up with these great Steam features. But the sooner we unlock them, the better for all of us! It's all about community engagement and I know that the K-Pop community is one of the most powerful. The more hype we generate before and after launch, the faster we'll get these features. [h3][b]#HYBE_STOP_SABOTAGING_NEWJEANS[/b][/h3] Now a quick personnal word about the recent drama between NewJeans and HYBE. You’ve probably seen the recent drama with HYBE and NewJeans. As a fan and creator of K-Pop!, it’s important to remember that the idols, like the members of NewJeans, work so hard for their fans and deserve nothing but our respect and support. These talented idols pour their hearts into their craft, and during tough times like these, it’s crucial we stand behind them. If you want to find out more about this or discuss with others fans of NewJeans, reach the [url=]NewJeans group[/url] on Steam. Our next communication here will focus on the launch of the game, which is fast approaching, the launch of our discord server, our steam group and some images from the game (have you already recognized all the idols on the banner of this announcement?). Thanks y'all. - Laoune [url=]For more informations, reach our FAQ[/url]