Behold, the miracle of life… packed into cubes! Create fantastic creatures in an open-world sandbox game like no other. Explore, craft, and survive—all with the help of your very own creations.
Whether you've already celebrated the new year or will be celebrating the upcoming Chinese and Lunar New Years (or all of the above!), we wish you a very happy 2020 from Team CHKN!
We're celebrating by downloading more amazing player-created creatures. Here are a few of our recent favorites.
[url=][h1][b]Feathery Disaster by Sanderson Villé[/b][/h1][/url]
That's a LOT of feathers. But don't be fooled! It's just a clever way to distract you from deadly laser eyes. Tricksy dino. It also somehow looks quite fashionable, don't you think?
[url=][h1][b]Cattlesnake by marionic6[/b][/h1][/url]
Marionic is back with this longboi, aptly named Cattlesnake. From the description: "While this creature may seem like an easy target, it has a pretty solid defense and a mean charge to boot." We can also confirm it makes a great mount creature!
[url=][h1][b]siren head by jasonbala[/b][/h1][/url]
We thought this was creepy until we actually downloaded it. Then it was terrifying. And awesome. We're not sure how it fares in combat but we're going to try… as soon as we work up the courage.
[url=][h1][b]Strider (Half-life 2) by Maciek[/b][/h1][/url]
Maciek is also kindly contributing to our nightmares with this tallboi based on the Striders from Half-Life 2. If you've played that game, you're probably having flashbacks right now. It's okay; this one is much cuter.
[url=][h1][b]Cyclops (full Gear) by Wombat Nuggets[/b][/h1][/url]
More pigmen! To round out this list and add to our ever-growing collection of pink humanoids, we give you this pickaxe warrior. Keep this guy on your side. You don't want to see him angry. (Also, hilarious bonus: the pickaxe flops around and it's great.)
You can subscribe to any of these in the Workshop to bring them into your own games. (Click on the links and hit the "Subscribe" button, or search for them in-game.) Modify them, befriend them, or fight them to the death. It's up to you!
If you'd like to see your own creations shared in the future, be sure to link them over on Discord in the [url=][b]#creatures[/b][/url] channel. Please keep sharing them with us! We love seeing all your creations.
Also, just a quick reminder that we're still working on those system upgrades. (As mentioned previously, we're currently focused on fixing lost data/multiplayer issues and improving performance, both of which are big things that require more time to address.) As soon as we have something new for you guys to test, we'll let you know. Thanks for your patience!
Happy new year and we wish you great happiness and prosperity in 2020!
[i]- Team CHKN[/i]