Happy Halloween! Patch 1.03 is out right now!

The Darkest Tales

When a nightmare creeps into reality, the only ones that can help are those whose magical powers we’ve believed in since childhood. A brave teddy bear heads to the far side of “happily ever after” to rescue his owner, Alicia.

Hello guys! We've been working throughout the week on fixing all the major issues and complaints you guys have shared with us, and we're ready to share with you the list of changes for The Darkest Tales v1.03! Here's what has been changed in this patch: [olist] [*] Solved an issue where players would lock themselves in the Peter Pan's room after backtracking. [*] Fixed a bug caused by simultaneous death of Teddy and Peter Pan in the fight at the end of The Selfishness. [*] Fixed an infamous bug in a fight with a mini-boss on The Madness level, where you would get punched right into the backrooms (sorry, speedrunners, this skip had to go). [*] Fixed a bug in the mirrors fight of The Arrogance, where you could skip the entire fight and spawn the next enemy of the stage, while being stuck in textures (one less skip for speedruns, but this one had to go as well). [*] Solved an issue on the same level, where sudden interruption of the cutscene would break the fight with The Dragon. [*] An issue with the checkpoint in the same fight has been fixed as well. [*] Fixed the bug where you could skip this entire fight all together. [*] Fixed the broken achievement – “The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly Duckling”. [*] Steam Cloud saves are now on! [*] Made some more adjustments to the Giantess chase scene, and yes, we've slowed camera movement down a bit. [*] Added some changes for Chinese, Korean, and Japanese localizations of the game. [*] Fixed invisible wall problems upon revisiting The Madness. [*] Added V-Sync feature for low quality settings. Thank you [url=https://youtu.be/i7Nrtl348nw]Mystechry [/url]for the report! [/olist] And that's about it! We're still in the process of tuning the game, so thank you all for the feedback and bug reports, it helps a lot! Stay tuned for the future updates and have a great Halloween! [i]Oh, and consider leaving a review on the game if you haven't already. That would greatly help us as well![/i]