A couple of updates for the 1.04 patch! Live now!

The Darkest Tales

When a nightmare creeps into reality, the only ones that can help are those whose magical powers we’ve believed in since childhood. A brave teddy bear heads to the far side of “happily ever after” to rescue his owner, Alicia.

Hello everyone! New day, new update! In this one, we've addressed a couple of issues that were found during our internal testing of the previous version of the game. We've taken a look at some problems you guys have encountered, and we've already came up with the fixes! Here's a small list of changes for The Darkest Tales v1.04: [list] [*] Added a retroactive fix for the players who found themselves stuck after dying at the same time as Peter Pan (this was already fixed for a new player, but the retroactive fix will set players who were already stuck free). [*] Fixed the softlock that could occur during the King Arthur's trials. [*] Fixed situational game crashes if you pause the game during the Peter Pan's bossfight. [/list] That's about it! Stay tuned for future news and updates, and have a great rest of your weekend!