The Holidays Season begins! And we're going into it with an update!

The Darkest Tales

When a nightmare creeps into reality, the only ones that can help are those whose magical powers we’ve believed in since childhood. A brave teddy bear heads to the far side of “happily ever after” to rescue his owner, Alicia.

Dear players! The end of the year is coming close, but we still got some stuff we wanted to share with you before that! So prepare yourself for the upcoming announcements about the community events we've planned out for you! But before that, we've got some game updates to share with you! Here's the list of changes in The Darkest Tales v1.06: [list] [*] One of the skills wasn't obtainable due to a bug. The players got an XP orb instead of the skill. We've fixed the bug for a new player, but all the players who have already collected it, can now obtain the skill immediately by going back to the Mermaid level. [*] Fixed a couple of collision bugs throughout the game. [*] Solved a problem with a skill tree from [url=]this topic[/url] in our discussion board. [*] Revised mind control mini-game before The Sleeping Beauty's boss fight. [*] Fixed a softlock in The Arrogance level. [*] Fixed some issues with the localized text not being displayed fully. [*] Fixed an issue where players could skip The Greed's goose boss fight in its entirety. [*] Disabled one of the three phantoms in the last level, since most players fond that it was very frustrating to pass through. [/list] And that's about it! Have yourself a great holiday season and stay tuned for future updates! Don't forget to join our [url=]Discord [/url]to learn about the upcoming community events first!