Overcoming Sleeping Beauty's Charms!

The Darkest Tales

When a nightmare creeps into reality, the only ones that can help are those whose magical powers we’ve believed in since childhood. A brave teddy bear heads to the far side of “happily ever after” to rescue his owner, Alicia.

We noticed that many players run into problems getting to the Sleeping Beauty boss fight, and decided to put together a small guide with tips and tricks on how to overcome her magical charms. There are three spots on the level where you'll run into the Sleeping Beauty's enchanting projection. Every encounter can pose a challenge, so it's recommended that you keep more than one hit point before tackling each. 1st encounter: [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38712136/47d011b4e7528cac20c0b2daec312c8219a17430.png[/img] 2nd encounter: [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38712136/dedb5e99b1b8e16315a9139686676628eef5574d.png[/img] The third encounter awaits you right before the boss fight against the devious Sleeping Beauty. Unlike the previous two, this one is longer and pretty much unavoidable. Now, let's get down to business. Just like with previous encounters, your goal here is to keep the heart icon inside the safe zone for approximately 13 seconds. If at any moment you leave the zone for about 2 seconds—you'll lose. So, in total, the challenge will last around 15 seconds. [b]Tip #1: Breathe[/b] We know it is cliché, but seriously: take a deep breath and focus, otherwise this task will be difficult to complete. There's some good news, however: a short cutscene plays afterwards, giving you a chance to mentally prepare for the upcoming boss fight. Additionally, once you finish the challenge, you won't have to redo it: each attempt at the boss will start you from the point after the challenge has already been completed. So, take a deep breath and move on to tip #2. [b]Tip #2: Positioning[/b] Correct positioning within the safe zone will give you an advantage when dealing with all subsequent movement windows. The zone will sway from side to side, except on those occasions where it'll swing to the same side twice in a row. So, until the zone goes most of the way to its current destination, you can expect it to continue moving in the same direction, i.e., if the zone was on the left and returned to the center, you can assume it'll then go to the right. While inside the safe zone, you want your icon to stay close to the place you expect the zone to travel next. Even though staying in the middle of the safe zone might seem like a good idea, you may lag behind when it shifts direction again. Staying at the very edge of the safe zone counts too, but you should avoid doing so, as even a minor change of direction could then end your attempt in failure. Your best bet is to stay on the side of the zone that you think it's going to travel in next. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38712136/e753e14ebef390df6f5b57af557ce26daf89722a.gif[/img] [b]Tip #3: Zone Movement[/b] The zone will be constantly in motion, its borders jittering slightly, so be prepared to adjust your position at a moment's notice. These minor movements are also the reason why, if you leave the zone at any time, it sometimes seems impossible to get back inside. The speed of these fluctuations depends on your distance from the zone: the farther you are, the faster the borders will move away from you. As for the zone itself, it'll travel from the left side to the right approximately every 1.5 seconds. If the timing is confusing, you can try using a metronome or similar apps and websites, and follow the advice provided below. If you engage the metronome, then, following the first time you press spacebar, the next movement shift will occur immediately after the beat. In total, during the 13 seconds of the challenge, and counting the first time you press spacebar, you'll need to adjust your movement at least 9 times. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38712136/4408579fde0680cf97d014df23c3aca5d753b5d0.png[/img] And that's it. We hope that the tips above will prove helpful. Now go and show Sleeping Beauty who's boss!