Guards II News #17. Game Info Menu

Guards New Sequel

New no-announcement yet game is going to be here.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44191301/551199fde3dec15e1b0db5d6d929573db5ecc5b8.jpg[/img] Hello there, We are in the midst of refining the game. After providing the game for testing to 10-15 players, we've gathered a lot of valuable feedback. Our aim is to improve the player experience. While Guards have simple game rules, some players found them unclear. To address this, we've enhanced several menus and introduced a "Game Info" menu that contains 20 game tips, each explaining different game mechanics. In this announcement, we've shared 10 of these tips. Our designer has strived to make them as clear as possible, and we believe he has succeeded. It's worth noting that the original game had only four such tips, highlighting how the game has significantly evolved into something more comprehensive. We've added four types of damage mechanics and two hero stances, which have had a notable impact on the gameplay. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44191301/b14d49d74ec4156b21425437a66f0b5411c9b553.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44191301/a0fcd4fdc26930023dcc374e15c2dfcb2f3839d4.png[/img] Additionally, we're actively working on in-story comics. Considerable effort has been dedicated to this aspect, and we believe we've finally achieved the quality we aimed for. These comics will be relatively small but play a crucial role in enhancing the game's story involvement. All slides and text have been approved, and our artist is currently working on the final versions. We will showcase them at a later date. The development of comics and the Game Info menu have introduced additional text lines. Consequently, we have prioritized finalizing these aspects before completing the remaining text work. We have now successfully achieved this milestone, and our colleague Rea is in the process of editing the last of the text. Following this, we can proceed with the game's localizations. In terms of translations, our colleagues Raffael, Jose, and Almos have already completed the German, Portuguese-Brazil, and Hungarian translations. Thus, five out of the planned 12 languages are already integrated into the game. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44191301/d8f977d65172f5b0800b804c1d12f38a893897fd.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44191301/a27a2dfe205210d2c93797586876008ad01ed699.png[/img] Finally, we have commenced work on sound design. Our sound designer has concluded his work on Age of Defense, allowing him to dedicate time to Guards 2. All these developments signify that Guards II no longer has any unresolved issues. We're now just a few weeks away from completing all the work. We appreciate your continued support, and you'll be able to play the game soon! [b]Stay, with us[/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44191301/1a021b6fdb0a63731a8810ee8a77b7d7f6e0f088.png[/img]