GreedFall - A new patch is coming soon!


Engage in a core roleplaying experience, and forge the destiny of a new world seeping with magic, and filled with riches, lost secrets, and fantastic creatures. With diplomacy, deception and force, become part of a living, evolving world - influence its course and shape your story.

Green bloods, my friends, We would like to thank our amazing community for helping us out identifying the various issues still present in the game. We are now working hard on a [b]new patch aiming to fix those issues.[/b] You can expect several major bugs to be solved thanks to this new patch. [h1][b]Coming to you soon…[/b][/h1] [list][*]Quests being debugged [*]Camera bobbing rectified: players will have more control over the camera [*]Invert X-Axis option added [*]The mage skill "Ranged Shadow Impact" has been modified [*] Several aggro areas have been improved [*]Trophies debugged [*]Localisation issues fixed for French, Chinese, Polish, Russian, Portuguese and English - Thanks to everyone who reported these![/list] We will reveal more soon when the patch is released! Stay tuned! We hope you are all enjoying your time on Teer Fradee. [img][/img]