Future Updates

Space Mayhem

Inspired by classic arcade shooters, Space Mayhem is a fast-paced score chaser with a retro style. Collect powerups, manage your ammo, obtain massive score multipliers, and blast your way through infinite, chaotic waves of enemies!

Hey everyone! First of all, I wanted to give you all a massive thank you for your wonderful response to Space Mayhem! It has been incredible seeing people play the game and compete for the top spots on the [url=https://steamcommunity.com//stats/922470/leaderboards/2902853?sr=1]leaderboards[/url]! I have been doing occasional broadcasts on the game, which people seem to enjoy which is good because I love doing them! If you would like to watch them, keep an eye on the store page. They will also show up [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/922470/broadcasts/]here[/url]. As for where the game is going from here, I would love to hear from you! I will continue to squash bugs as they are found but I would also love to add additional powerups and ships with their own leaderboards. If you have any other ideas for things you would like to see in the game, I would love to hear them! Thanks for reading!