[h2]What happened?[/h2]
Steamworks have now updated the dimensions of the problematic Library header file. It's now 920 x 430 (double the size, up from 460 x 215).
[h2]Why was it problematic?[/h2]
The problem was that it was same size as the header capsule (both were 460 x 215) so it had to be manually specified as a library header when you uploaded all the assets, otherwise it would just assume you uploaded 2 header capsules.
[h2]What's changed in art boxer?[/h2]
I've updated the two default templates that included this file (SteamApp and SteamAppSimple) to reflect this new size change. As steamworks automatically detects this file due to its unique size, it no longer needs to export to its own folder, it can just be uploaded with the other assets. Fantastic.
[h2]What specifically changed?[/h2]
In both steam app template files (SteamApp and SteamAppSimple), the last line of each file has been changed to:
[code]canvas_width: 920, canvas_height: 430, file_name: %LOGO_NAME%_LibraryHeader, bg_opacity: 1, bg_scale: 1, bg_alignment: 4, bg_offset_x: 0, bg_offset_y: 0, logo_opacity: 1, logo_scale: 0.85, logo_alignment: 4, logo_offset_x: 0, logo_offset_y: 0,[/code]
The size has doubled, and I've stopped it from creating its own folder in the SteamApp template (for the reasons mentioned above).
[h2]Do I need to do anything?[/h2]
Yes, if you've already installed and run the software. I don't think reinstalling art boxer will work, you'll have to do this yourself manually.
Art boxer doesn't interfere with your template files once they've spawned in case you make your own changes to them, I wouldn't want to overwrite them. So you'll need to delete the existing templates so they respawn with these new changes (and relaunch the software after).
[h2]Where do I find the template files to delete?[/h2]
[b]Method 1[/b]
You can quickly access the templates folder by pasting the following path into explorer (making sure you change the username to your username).
[b]Method 2[/b]
You can also access it by opening run.exe (search start menu for "run"), typing in %APPDATA% into run.exe, pressing ok. It will open an explorer window, you must find the "local" folder (you may need to go up one folder), and then locate the artboxer folder. If you don't have an art boxer folder in your "local" folder, I guess you never launched the software and don't need to do anything.
If you definitely have used the software and there's no art boxer folder, maybe they're in one of the other folders (perhaps you have some shared local folder).