Sword of the King - The Classic of Mountains and Seas

Fly in the book of "Shan Hai Jing", understand the story of each strange beast, defeat them. You will obtain all kinds of strange "swords". Equip them well and welcome the next battle.

Art: - Redraw the book cover and positive pages. - Reduce the size of gold coins. - Modify the pictures of Steam store and library to new ones. Game Experience: - Now swords will attack the nearest enemy respectively, instead of concentrating on attacking the same enemy. - Speed up the flight speed of swords. - Reduce the length of each game to 2 minutes. - Increase the damage of all weapons and special effects. - Cancel the rotation of gold coins. - Reduce the length and duration of the trailing special effects. - Reduce the gold coin multiplier required for weapons. - Reduce the enemy tracking speed. Performance: - Significantly improve the fluency. - Reduce the residence time of gold coins to 10 seconds. - Speed up the generation of enemies to 0.4 seconds. - Change the disappearance time of blood on the ground to 1 second. - Limit the maximum number of gold coins existing simultaneously in the scene to 15. Sound Effects: - The sound effects when six swords are shot are all different. - Cancel the sound effect of boss appearance. Bug Fixes: - Fix the problem that the boss will repeatedly appear on minions after death. - Fix the problem that enemies will be on the previous page after page turning. - Fix the problem that individual enemies are invincible after page turning. - Fix the memory leak problem caused by the superposition of timer dead loops. - Fix the offset between the mouse position on the left page and the sword. - After page turning, it automatically reloads to prevent lag and bugs.