Gravity Circuit - Patch 1.2.0b

Gravity Circuit

Gravity Circuit is a flashy action packed 2D platformer in the spirit of console classics. Follow Kai, a lone operative war hero who harnesses the mysterious powers of the Gravity Circuit, on an adventure in a futuristic world inhabited by sentient robots.

Hello everyone. This is an addendum patch, 1,2.0b, which mostly addresses a few issues identified by our players: [b]Levels[/b] [list] [*]Fixed some spikes being on the wrong layers in two of the final levels, when Master Levels were enabled. This led to those spikes not having any collision. [*]Fixed a camera connection between two screens in Cyberspace (Warehouse Area), which led to players being able to lead the camera to a place where it's not supposed to go. [*]Improved performance of couple of object types in Power Plant. This should make the stage run more smoothly on lower end hardware. [*]Warp Portals (the green ones) in Cyberspace (Warehouse Area) now refresh air actions like air slide when exiting them. [/list] [b]Burst Techniques[/b] [list] [*]Fixed an issue with the aerial version of Flying Strike, where its hitbox may spawn on the "wrong side" if player changes direction during the startup. [*]Fixed an issue where Clone Array did not get its duration refreshed if it was already active, and player used a "dumb cancel" (slide on the same frame as the technique activates). [*]Changed how Surface Render Burst Technique's multhit timers work, making it do a bit more damage against bosses. [/list] [b]Misc[/b] [list] [*]Made hazard damage calculations consistent. When player touched spikes or lava, the game would check if Surge Protector (Booster Chip) was equipped, apply its effect if it was, and then increase damage based on if player had Fading Onyx equipped. However, if player got crushed by a moving object, these two steps were done in the opposite order, which could cause some slight difference. This change makes Surge Protector apply its effect first in both cases, because the spike situation is more common than being crushed. [*]Added some safety precautions into the Bestiary screen's code, if the game's Linux AppImage is being run through Proton. Specifically, one particular shader seems to not work correctly when the AppImage is running through Proton, leading to a game crash. This fix attempts to pre-empt that particular crash, though it may make the bestiary enemy/character sprites invisible if the issue does occur. [*]Fixed an oversight where the description boxes did not update on the equip screen in pause menu, if the loadout swap button was used [*]Fixed an issue where grabbing and throwing an icicle (Mountains stage) would break the icicle if you grab and throw it a second time. [*]Fixed an issue with doors, where if some upwards vertical velocity pushed you slightly above the door (on Y axis) just as you entered it, the door transition might play out a bit weird. Fixed by forcibly moving Kai down a few pixel units if he was higher than the door upon the door transition starting. [*]Fixed a minor issue where data chips may float in place, as opposed to bouncing when they spawn. [*]Fixed an issue where a certain boss in the final levels might clip out of bounds, possibly softlocking the fight. [*]Fixed an issue where Kai's palette may appear wrong when he dies under certain circumstances (ex: while frozen, or while Function Overload is active). [/list] As always, if you find any other issues, let us know. In the meanwhile, happy gaming!