Hi everyone! !
We’re thrilled to have launched Fruitbus on Monday and to see so many of you already diving in to cook up a storm with us! Your support and excitement have fueled this journey, and we’re beyond grateful to each one of you who’s come along for the ride. 🍓
The Fruitbus launch is just the beginning, and we've got plenty of updates on the way! Our new build is live, and the patch notes are below! Here's a quick peek at what's cooking:
[h3]🛠️ Stability First![/h3]
We owe a HUGE thank you to everyone who’s been helping us squash bugs and test new builds. Thanks to your detailed reports, we’ve made the game more stable – but we know there's still work to do. Our Discord server is the best place to report any hiccups [url=https://discord.com/invite/P4ntmxpGjt]LINK[/url], though you’re welcome to post in our Steam Bug Reporting forum too! [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/2484130/discussions/1/]LINK[/url]
[h3]🚀 Framerate Fixes Incoming[/h3]
Some of you mentioned framerate issues, especially when streaming. We’re on it! Smoother gameplay for everyone is on the horizon, so stay tuned as we fine-tune performance.
[h3]🧭 Improving Onboarding and Usability[/h3]
Fruitbus is all about exploring and experimenting, but we understand that some parts of the game can be tricky to figure out. We’re working to make it easier for you to dive in and enjoy the ride! Expect updates that’ll help you get the most out of your adventures.
We’ll be rolling out regular updates in the coming weeks, so keep your eyes like your bananas: peeled 👀🍌. Our newest patch notes are now live, check them out below!
Want to help make Gustam a better place for everyone or chat with other Grandma Stans? Join us on Discord – we’re building the world of Fruitbus together, and we’d love to have you on board! (SPOILER: [spoiler]everyone in our community is really lovely.[/spoiler])
[h1]Patch Notes v1.0.2[/h1]
Many thanks to all of you who have played the game so far, and an extra thanks to you who have helped us with bug reports. We've been able to do a lot of fixing, and are ready with Fruitbus v1.0.2!
[b]If you're in a hurry and just want the most important stuff, here it is:[/b]
[*] The game will no longer fail to save if data from an old Fruitbus demo is present in the save directory
[*] The prompt for tasting food has been made harder to miss
[*] The Unstuck function has been improved and will be less likely to fail
[*] We have fixed a few cases of quests getting stuck in a bad state
Read on for the rest of the changes!
[h2]Major Fixes[/h2]
[*] Miller Jane no longer ignores the bus if you leave the area after fixing the windmill
[*] Larper Bride no longer gets stuck if you leave her while handing over the relic
[*] Fixed issues caused by trash not loading properly when leaving and returning to an area
[*] No longer gets stuck during island events if you are far away from the character ordering food
[*] Removed Gobo Gobo
[h3]The Bus[/h3]
[*] Fixed several bugs that could happen when entering or exiting the bus
[*] Stabilized loading of customization save data
[h2]Minor Fixes[/h2]
[h3]Saving / loading[/h3]
[*]Fixed unbaked bread not loading properly from save
[*] Better object highlighting on Frying Pan and Blender Jug
[*] Updated some button icons for mouse/keyboard and Xbox controllers
[*] Fixed loading from main menu not showing the correct loading screens
[*] Removed version text from the lower right corner
[*] Removed the useless "unstuck" popup
[*] Several tweaks to effects and timing
[*] Fixed looping of radio stations
[*] Fixed some UI sounds playing when they shouldn't
[*] Removed a custom music folder left behind by an old prototype
[*] Journal and quest icon updates have been made more consistent
[*] A bunch of fixes to various flatpacks, making sure their pivots and highlighting works as intended
[*] Fixed save/load positional drift on DecorativePlantC
[h3]Debug [/h3]
[*] Added more items to the item spawning command: Radio Part A, B & C, White Paint Bucket Tool
[*] Reduced the amount of console commands to only include the following:
Thank you for all the love, support, and feedback in the last couple of days. As an independent developer, it means the world to the team.
Here’s to a fruity journey ahead! And remember:
Food binds us all 🚌💛
[b]Follow us on:[/b]
[url=https://discord.com/invite/P4ntmxpGjt]Discord[/url] | [url=https://www.krillbite.com/fruitbus]Website[/url] | [url=https://www.tiktok.com/@krillbitestudio]TikTok[/url] | [url=https://x.com/krillbite]Twitter[/url] | [url=https://www.facebook.com/Krillbite/]Facebook[/url]