Fruitbus Patch Notes 1.0.4

Greetings! The 1.0.4 update focuses on performance and general stability. A bunch of smaller tweaks have also been done. See the full list below! [h2]Performance[/h2] [list] [*]Improved general performance, especially in cases where the truck is full of items [*]Improved loading between Sorello and Jungle areas [*]Optimized graphics performance for various materials [*]Reduced number of light sources on lanterns while maintaining visual quality [*]Improved trigger detection system performance [/list] [h2]Major Fixes[/h2] [list] [*]Fixed gifting system issues [*]Fixed gas station dialogue system [*]Fixed player teleporting issues [*]Fixed unpacking system for items in serving areas [*]Fixed truck movement during loading screens [*]Fixed item registration issues in Jungle area [*]Removed Gobo Gobo [/list] [h2]Tweaks & Minor Fixes[/h2] [list] [*]Audio: Added new music when talking with mom character at ferry docks [*]Audio: Updated ambient sounds in Banamas and Breezy areas [*]Audio: Added new indicator sound that plays when its not possible to serve in an area [*]Audio: Updated bus sounds on wooden surfaces [*]Audio: Added ferry gate sound effects [*]Audio: Adjusted radio volume when entering buildings [*]Relocated collectible star in Frosty Pines to prevent collection issues [*]Disabled truck engine start during food evaluation [*]Added weather initialization in Frosty Pines for specific quest state [*]Corrected keyboard controls and localization [*]Fixed ferry paint color not being applied on the Frosty Pines side [*]Fixed Noto bridge animation issues [*]Fixed shadow and visual effects on dashboard [*]Fixed quality settings not being applied as intended [*]Fixed frame rate being locked to the display refresh rate set when launching the game [*]Fixed guitar audio playing when band wasn't present [*]Various collision and loading fixes for items and ingredients [/list]