Fruitbus Localization Update and Patch Notes 1.0.6

Fruitbus has received an update to it's localization! [previewyoutube=yzVDWbrShMs;full][/previewyoutube] Starting right now, you can enjoy Fruitbus in Turkish, Russian and Polish. But that's not all, a few weeks back we also added new voice over to Fruitbus in French and German! Happy Holidays from all around the world, and we hope you keep enjoying Fruitbus! [b]Food binds us all! [/b] [h1]Patch Notes 1.0.6[/h1] [h2]Features[/h2] [list] [*] Russian, Polish and Turkish languages added (text only) [*] Trash will disappear after 5 minutes [*] Empty flour bags will disappear after 10 seconds [/list] [h2]Major Fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed several quest icon bugs [*] Reworked foreground rendering of held objects [*] Reduced frame rate spikes during scene streaming [*] Fixed an issue where characters would sometimes get stuck in their gifting sequence [*] Fixed a case of flatpacks not being saved [*] Removed Gobo Gobo [/list] [h2]Minor Fixes[/h2] [h3]Visual[/h3] [list] [*] LoadingScreen: Fixed [Loading Info Text] displayed after clicking [*] Fixed issues with truck speed lines [*] Fixed liquid coloring being weird [*] Fixed z-sorting issues in clouds [*] Added snow FX to Tree Topper [*] Polished time capsule animation [*] Ferry payment funnel update new reworked mesh [*] Fixed some more floating assets [/list] [h3]Audio[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed truck radio not being muted when inside shops [*] Updated sounds for chest and oven [*] Updated various quest-related sounds [/list] [h3]Other[/h3] [list] [*] Quality Level setting no longer requires pressing "Apply" to save [*] Fixed issues with loading the saved quality setting [*] Pausing now cancels unpacking of flatpacks [*] Fixes for explorer mission [*] Fixed various navmesh issues [*] Fixed shops not saving the money put into the till [/list]