First Patch + What's Next?


Breachers is a tactical 5v5 VR FPS. Plan your assault or orchestrate your defense as a team through intense close-quarters combat. Climb, vault, rappel, swing, shoot and strategize your way to victory in stunning environments.

Breachers officially launched two weeks ago, and we’re thrilled by the positive response of our players. We’d like to extend a big thank you to everyone playing the game. We have released our first patch, which already includes a couple of quality of life features. An option to toggle grip for guns has been added, along with filter options to more easily navigate the server browser, and some fixes and optimizations. For the full list of changes, check out our dev-log in []Discord[/url]! [h3]Some fun statistics[/h3] We already shared some fun statistics from the first 24 hours after the game’s launch, and it’s been fascinating to see these numbers evolve over the course of these past two weeks. 87,569 matches played 704,251 rounds played 10,502 bombs diffused 662,338 breaching foam uses 5,789,362 player deaths 32,767 EMPs disarmed 670 players killed by breaching foam [h3]What’s next?[/h3] Right now, we are mainly focusing on two things. Firstly, minor updates that will include quality of life features and some fixes, like the patch we dropped today. And secondly, a big update we’re calling **The Competitive Update**. However, we find it important to note that we want to do this right, and to deliver on that, we can’t rush something this important to us. Developing this update will take some time, and we’re not ready yet to attach a date, but stay tuned for more information soon. Additionally, we’re working on two new maps and a new gamemode! [url=]This video[/url] includes a sneak peek of the first of those maps, and we can’t wait to show it off when completely finished. Let us know what you think in our []Discord[/url], and be on the lookout for more updates and info on Breachers! [h2]Patch notes 11.6[/h2] [h3]Added[/h3] - Option to toggle grip for guns - Option to add / remove the password from custom servers - Filter and refresh options to more easily navigate the server browser [h3]Fixed[/h3] - Breaching foam particles visible through wall - No muzzle flash when starting shooting range - Buy menu button states sometimes incorrect - Gun attachment buttons jittering when smooth turning - Dead players (ghosts) can sometimes see floating magazine - Waterfall audio in skyscraper toilet was audible from wrong room - Bots no longer put their hands behind their backs before grabbing weapons - Bot takeover indicator sometimes stays active - Loadout sometimes disappears after respawning in Team Deathmatch - Pings going through some objects - Possible to heal teammates through the wall - Long clan tags not correctly displayed in the scoreboard - Loading screen sometimes shows ? when loading - Doorblocker visuals are sometimes wrong - Voice icon display sometimes incorrect - Two bots sometimes have same name - Slider buttons overlap label in menu - A whole lot of exceptions - Can get blocked in the tutorial at the drone part - Subtitle mismatching with the audio - Main menu music gets played multiple times - Correct audio now playing when bots smash a window - Incorrect vote menu color after switched teams - Headglitch in Skyscraper allowing to glitch through the wall [h3]Improved[/h3] - Disarming the EMP now takes longer than arming it - Nerfed Omen and RCP - Floor breachables no longer have floating grenade impacts - Vault alignment improvements - Hideout collision and visuals - Audio when vaulting, walking and falling - Healing syringe recharge sound - Spatial audio in skyscraper toilet - Performance in the main menu - Block main menu interaction when there's a wall obstructing it - Visuals of credits screen - Drone now has a red light / flare - Vote menu is slightly bigger to avoid scrolling for team deathmatch - Movement no longer gets inverted when looking down while rappelling - Bots now walk a more diverse path in killhouse - Breachers friends now have an icon - Breachable wall exploding debris looks more realistic [h3] Spectator[/h3] - Added icons for headshot / collat / wallbang / smoke - Added neutral round end music - Fixed (un)holstering sounds not playing - Fixed hitmarkers when spectating bots - Fixed cursor in spectator sometimes disappearing - Fixed not hearing pitch-shift sound when turning EMP dial - Fixed sometimes reverting to freecam inbetween rounds - Third person spectator will now rotate behind character more quickly - Allowed moving spectator while the quick menu is open. - Spectating players by number is now stable after switching sides. Player at nr 2 stays there instead of moving to 7. - Triangle Factory