Finally, back with a new update! (1.3.4)

SCP: Blackout

A VR/Desktop game where you are a new D-Class personnel in secret SCP Research Site-50 when everything falls apart. Use what you can find as you explore the facility, access logs to learn about the SCP entities in containment, and run for your life from the SCP entities that have escaped.

Hey guys/gals, this update has been slow coming out due to me being in a work accident. I healed up, but it took nearly a month for me to be able to get back to work. There have been a lot of small changes and fixes, and a good bit of stuff i did but forgot to write down (as usual). Most of the work has been behind the scenes, like the story and tutorial, but you'll be able to notice some of the other changes (new collectible system, map change, performance, ect). Here are some of the bigger summaries, followed by the changelog. -A lot of small changes and fixes have been added, be sure to check out the changelog on Steam or Discord if you want to see them all! -Most of the time has been doing a ton of work on the tutorial. It's not done yet, but its coming along well, and I think you guys will like it once it's done! -I moved the warehouse/transit area in to their own map and reworked them a bit. This should help performance in Zone A -Added the Collectible Room to main menu, and added the trophy system. It is currently bare bones, you can only get trophies for batteries and pill usage, but there are a ton of other trophies/collectibles planned to be added. V 1.3.4 -Turned off xmas as default -Desktop pain HUD will go away after a bit once at full health -Decreased desktop pain size on HUD -Fixed T-pose in S-11 -Added DELP egg -Added checks so you can't use items while paused in VR -Removed hand collision with flashlight -Added a bug report button to the pause menu -Moved the transit areas into their own map to increase performance -Finally found the cause of the second dot on screen and removed it -Expanded warehouse to fit transit level redesign -Fixed VR breaking if you pick up two papers at once -Added door physics for doors in VR -Added collectible/trophy room -Added collectible framework -Halloween music should be able to be controlled with music sound volume -Fixed Guard room computer not working -Fixed walls in archive with no collision -Removed floaty eyeballs near body in transit -Made a small change to possibly reduce game freezes during level loading (need feedback on it) -Added flashlight outline if drop in VR -Fixed failsafe ending button freezing game -Fixed document issues with new documents -Added interior counts for pills, batteries used, deaths, ect (Trophies will have to use these counts, so may not be synced with steam achievements) -Added collectible trophies for batteries -Added collectible trophies for pain pills -Fixed typo -Added mechanic for VR hand to not snap hand completely, but leaves a "ghost hand" so you know where your hand actually is. -Fixed the gas can noise delay when dropping it. -Fixed baby spawns on new maps -Fixed not being able to escape on survival -Music will play when loading into Zone A -Fixed baby stuck in corner in warehouse