Back to work after almost dying!

SCP: Blackout

A VR/Desktop game where you are a new D-Class personnel in secret SCP Research Site-50 when everything falls apart. Use what you can find as you explore the facility, access logs to learn about the SCP entities in containment, and run for your life from the SCP entities that have escaped.

So for those of you who don't know, I was in an accident at work. As an electrician, I was working above an automated garage door that wasn't allowed to be kept off properly. I can't really talk about details, but it eventually went off while I was up there. At the top it stores it in this spiral pattern, so when it went off it caught me and pulled me in to the spiral and crushed me in the like 4 inches of space. After a few seconds the pressure knocked me unconscious. Thankfully people were around and someone was able to open the door. It dropped me like 10 feet on to my head, but I was out. I came back to consciousness and was taken to the hospital. No broken neck or spine thankfully, but I did get a several inch gash on my head that was stitched up, a few broken ribs, and bruising all over and some damage to the muscles on my back. Anyways, I thankfully didn't die, and I've been healing up at home the last two weeks. All the medical bills were covered, so no worries on that either. So now I'm not exactly fixed, but I'm doing well enough that I feel up to getting back to work on Blackout, so after a long delay some new updates and fixes and content should be coming out before too long! TL;DR Got some [b]ouchies[/b], but now I'm working again.