These are the last days of the first planet, experience a vast ancient world and civilization as you travel through the twisting story mode. Strange and unique weapons, creatures and characters from the dawn of time and beyond.
Among many other items since the last news update, this month there were some new friends completed in game, here are a sample of a few creatures that will help you along your way and attack anything that is a threat to you.
In action!
This is an image of one of the main NPC's you will meet. "Aquon" is a neutral traveler who's only goal is to help you along your "path". He is a disciple and servant of "the eye of the path" who you will also meet in the future. Many NPC scenes are now complete with the exception of some voice over to be added.
As for planning towards final release out of early access. The aim is to have the game fully polished, feature complete, bug free and playable from beginning to end by October.
In early November there will be a major update that replaces the old game with this entirely new version so unfortunately old save games will be lost, but it will be worth starting again.
This is the current plan.
After a couple of small updates incase there are unknown bugs or feature requests / difficulties.
The final version will be updated and set to be out of early access! Yay!
Thank you everyone.