Fight or Flight - 0.40.8 - Misc fixes

Fight or Flight

Battle Royale and Extraction that blends PvP and PvE, You are a operative that will drop into the infected region and attempt to recover artifacts and eradicate the infected.Each player is pitted against Zombies, Monsters and each other. Online or Single player for practice with bots!

Hello again, In this patch I have now added a check box to enable or disable the "Vision" mode. In the future i think i shall be removing the mode entirely, so please test without it and let me know how you feel. Currently the monsters only spawn in the forests (they will chase you out though...), I will soon be moving these to also spawn in more populated areas such as the bases. I have also spent a lot of time improving the UI further, and fixing a lot of small animation bugs to make these look much more polished. Please enjoy and don't forget to leave a review if you like the game! Cheers, -Gozu General; Added option in Host game that allows you to enable or disable the "Vision" mode. General; Players now get XP in offline mode's General; Increased the length of time that dead bodies stay visible for General; Slight tweaks to night time lighting to improve visibility a bit further Monsters; Decreased monster health slightly, also improved hitbox / collisions AI; Improved bot spawning system so they will spawn inside the zone, and spawn faster during the final stages of the zone AI; Further optimizations to Bot and Zombie AI to improve performance UI; Further menu UI and HUD improvements Weapons; Weapon will now return to ADS if you reload while in ADS Weapons; Fixed bug that occurred while toggling 3rd person mode after being ADS Animations; Improved IK in Animations when reloading Animations; Fixed bug's with some animations that occurred while sprinting Animations; Improved consumable animations while walking