Fight or Flight - - Patch notes

Fight or Flight

Battle Royale and Extraction that blends PvP and PvE, You are a operative that will drop into the infected region and attempt to recover artifacts and eradicate the infected.Each player is pitted against Zombies, Monsters and each other. Online or Single player for practice with bots!

This patch focuses mainly on bug fixes, and small QOL changes to improve the overall experience. [b]Patch notes as follows;[/b] UI; Improved item pickup/interaction UI, This now has 3 differnt options in the "UI" menu settings. Off, Small or Large. Default setting is "Small" UI; Improved crosshair, also added hit marker cross UI; Added hotkeys into inventory screen (same as weaponbar) UI; Add FPS cap for menu, independent of game FPS cap Animations; Tweaks to 1p crouch so that it looks smoother Animations; Fixed bug with crouch animation causing a flicker in 1p AI; Fixed speed of footstep sounds on bots, also have increased the volume slightly Player; Low health visual effect improved further, now shows effects when low health, as well as heart beat sounds, and shows the effects if bleeding out Player; You can now switch weapons while in the inventory screen using the hotkeys Weapons; Improved reload sounds for all Pistols, Revolvers, SMGs, and Assault Rifles Vehicles; Fixed bug with zombies not getting damaged from vehicles Vehicles; Improved vehicle FX (WIP placeholders) Level; Lighting tweaks for all times of day. This is now locked in the singleplayer menu to 3 options Night,Morning and Day. (the best ones!) Level; The large grey concrete buildings (old office sites) all now have interactable doors on the outsides, Level; Increased volume of sounds when opening and closing doors, and now wood doors will make differnt sounds to the steel ones Loot; Increased loot spawns around old office sites Misc; Fixed bug causing it to rain indoors!!! Misc; Screen Space Global Illumination quality increased for "high" and "epic" settings (still "experimental" right now) Misc; There has been a new server added into the match making for the "Oceania" region, this is just a test server right now, but feel free to use it! Extra notes: The number one complaint that we have had over the past few months has been about poor loot distribution, I just want you to know, that we hear yah! There have been a number of small changes to the way the loot works in this patch, which should help a bit. Over the next few weeks there will be a focus on fixing this issue! Enjoy the patch, have fun!