Ooglians are coming! Nothing excites an ooglian more than smashing machinery. Protect your machinery with more machinery which attracts even more ooglians. How unfortunate.
With this update I took help from the new commuunitymanager that I'm working with to create a little summary video!
Check it out!
I'll still post everything in textform too tho, so heres that
[h2]NEW STUFF:[/h2]
[list][*] [b]The Drone![/b] - this will warn if there is no clear path to the core, in the future, more things will be added to it
[*] [b]Ooglimass![/b] - this has a chance to drop when an ooglian dies. there's a maximum of 15 spawned ooglimass at a time, so after that, no more will spawn (there's a temporary counter in the corner, that will be removed later on) The ooglimass deterioates every turn. if left outside it will dissapear after 3 waves
[*] [b]Factory[/b] - there's currently only one factory. it takes oglimass and energy and creates a battery that can be triggered to shoot out an electric pulse to all connected modules in it's area
[*] [b]Burner[/b] - this takes ooglimass and converts it into energy!
[*] [b]Laser rework[/b] - the laser has lost it's piercing ability, but it's still a constant beam. it's damage has been upped a bit
[*] [b]New secret module[/b] - takes alot of power, but it might be worth it if your base can keep up[/list]
[h3]Minor things / QoL[/h3]
[list][*] brought back some autoaim to the cores since the purely manual mode still makes it way to hard before you've set anything up
[*] The switch is now portable, meaning you can move it around during the wave, this is less of a fix and more of a quick solution just to make it work since it comes with the problem that you can push around ooglians and alter the paths during gameplay making it highly abuseable
[*] Removed the force that drags your hand back to the grabbed object. This was kind of a relic from the past to make things feel more physical but I agree that it might not serve a real purpose
[*] Reworked how explosions works to hopefully make them more performant
[*] Made it so sounds are not mirrored anymore (lol idk how i havent noticed that before) [/list]