ALPHA [0.0.19] - New stuff, improved tutorial and more QoL


Ooglians are coming! Nothing excites an ooglian more than smashing machinery. Protect your machinery with more machinery which attracts even more ooglians. How unfortunate.

[h1][b]EXPLOSIVE FIXES[/b][/h1] First things first: known issues. [h2]KNOWN ISSUES[/h2] [list] [*] Aiming issues when dragging to the right - when dragged perfectly rightmost, the asset will start flipping 180 degrees. Not game breaking but can be annoying. [*] Perfomance issues. FPS drops aren't as horrible for explosions, but there is still a soft limit for number of enemies on screen. [*] Game ends on wave 100 with no warning or explanation. [*] Spatial sound is sometimes mirrored. [/list] [h3] ⬇ Click here to join the discord! ⬇[/h3] [url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43057307/36e0012eb5334153a7f61596c312e2eff2ade111.png[/img][/url] [h3] this is where you can learn about the game and impact the development! We’ll put up a poll in the near future for what to prioritize. The team working on this is extremely small, and between us it's less than one full-time position. That's why all communication is centralized there![/h3] [h2]PATCH NOTES for 0.0.19[/h2] [list] [*][h3]FIXES[/h3] [list] [*] Massive FPS drops from explosions have been fixed. [/list] [*][h3]ENEMIES[/h3] [list] [*] Updated the exploding ooglian with new visuals. [/list] [*][h3]MODULES & CORES[/h3] [list] [*] One new module! [list] [*] Rocket (it's icon is missing, so buttons with no icon is the new one) [/list] [*] Still no new cores. [/list] [*][h3]QoL[/h3] [list] [*] Added tutorial mode, makes the game easier for new players [*] Added visual damage indicators on the cores (smoke and sparks) [*] Split modules into two categories: Bullet Damage and Area of Effect Damage [*] Added a fifth reward button to give slightly more control over upgrades [/list] [*][h3]BALANCE[/h3] [list] [*] Updated wave spawning for more variation [*] Rebalanced modules (but the game might be too easy now) [/list] [/list] Thanks a ton for your patience, and we look forward to seeing you on the flat, gray fields of battle. oogliboogli, [h3]The Oogli Boogli Team[/h3] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43057307/41ab36155ec521013b26fbc74fc7c53f1b9dddc8.png[/img]