ENGAGE is a metaverse platform designed for professionals, event organizers, and corporations to build their own virtual worlds to provide metaverse services directly to their own clients and to build out new business models.

[h1]New[/h1] [h3]Emojis[/h3] o Added the ability for users to display reactions through a selection of emojis using the in-Session menu or VR wrist controls [h3]Localization[/h3] o Added Spanish language support. [h3]ENGAGE LINK[/h3] o Added a call bell to the help desk in central plaza, so that users can request assistance even if a support agent is not present in the space. [h1]Improved[/h1] [h3]Avatars[/h3] o Implemented a placeholder avatar that is displayed until a user’s chosen avatar has fully downloaded. [h3]Loading scene[/h3] o Replaced the loading animation that plays when users transition between locations to make the experience more comfortable. [h3]Emails[/h3] o Updated links and information included in notification emails, such as the request for a user to confirm their email address and confirmation of Event registration. [h3]Movement[/h3] o Provided VR device users with the option to enable free movement through a pop-up if they try to use this method of movement. [h3]Security and performance[/h3] o Applied important updates and improvements that benefit the stability of the platform. [h1]Fixed[/h1] [h3]Avatars[/h3] o Corrected shoulder position when full motion tracking is used. o Fixed an issue that could cause an avatar’s head rotation to drift when switching between basic and full-body avatars. o Fixed away notifications to appear in red text. o Fixed an issue that could cause a user’s collection of My Face and the assigned names to become mismatched. o Fixed an issue that could cause a My Face to display incorrectly in the avatar editor when a user cycled through multiple configurations. [h3]Notifications[/h3] o Restored the audible countdown that precedes users being summoned, seated, or recorded. [h3]Persistent Sessions[/h3] o Fixed an issue that prevented users from joining one of their group’s persistent sessions when the maximum quota of persistent sessions was reached. o Fixed an issue that prevented users from editing a persistent session until after a user joined the persistent session [h3]Content Editor[/h3] o Ensured that leaving and re-entering the Content Editor resets metadata, such as file name and scene title. [h3]Device information[/h3] o Implemented a fix to ensure that the list of detected Steam PC VR devices on the Users page is accurate. [h3]Shared media[/h3] o Fixed an issue where travelling through a portal while sharing media could prevent a user from sharing media in the destination. o Fixed the appearance of 3D chroma-key videos. o Reinstated the mobile version of the web browser on standalone VR devices, which fixes issues such as the display of PowerPoint presentations that are loaded through web links [h3]LITE users[/h3] o Fixed an issue that caused all users to be temporarily identified as LITE users when they joined a Session. [h3]All VR devices[/h3] o Fixed the transition when leaving a Session or entering a portal to ensure a complete fade to black. [h3]PC VR devices [/h3] o Implemented a workaround for a Steam VR bug that caused left and right eye views to be slightly different. [h3]VIVE Devices[/h3] o Fixed an issue that caused VIVE Focus Plus headsets to crash when a video was played in a Session. [h3]Localization[/h3] o Fixed the appearance of tooltips for sort options on the Users page of the in-Session menu. o Added some missing localization strings in the UI. o Fixed the placement of labels on the ENGAGE LINK map for spaces with long localized names. [h3]Events[/h3] o Removed the option for users to request access to an Event after a previous request is granted.