ENGAGE is a metaverse platform designed for professionals, event organizers, and corporations to build their own virtual worlds to provide metaverse services directly to their own clients and to build out new business models.

[h1]Fixed[/h1] [h3]Security and performance[/h3] o Applied important updates and improvements that benefit the stability of the platform. [h1]Improved[/h1] [h3]Locations[/h3] o Fixed an issue where the download of a new or updated location could timeout, and the user would be returned to the menu screen. [h3]Recordings[/h3] o Fixed an issue that prevented 3D pen drawings from being captured in recordings. [h3]Media[/h3] o Fixed an issue that could cause shared media to fail after playing content that included video. [h3]Content Editor[/h3] o Fixed puppet recording to ensure smooth transition between keys.