Enemy Spawns Moderated, Plus Other Fixes

4 for the Money Demo

4 for the Money is a fast-paced, side-scrolling action/platformer featuring gameplay and graphics resembling the greats of the NES era. Except you don't need a Four Score to play 4-player! Sit down alone or with a pack of friends and jump in for the action!

A significant patch to tidy up some things and moderate difficulty. +Increased enemy spawn times by (generally) 25%. +Limited the number of enemies a spawner can create, avoiding enemy mobs. +Shooting grenades no longer causes them to explode. +Fixed a bug where players could not unlock new single-player levels when playing with invincibility turned on. +Minimum difficulty level on single player is now 1 instead of 0. +Fixed a bug where single-player difficulty settings were bumped up after the first time playing the game if players had not manually set them. +Multiplayer settings default to the easy ("Thug") settings to simplify for new players. +Added a reference color wheel when the game is paused. +Fixed a bug with loading custom difficulty settings to prevent score miscalculation on Checkpoint Frequency and Number of Lives. +Fixed a bug where players would see characters stutter between the falling and standing animations when standing on the very edge of colored platforms. +Explosives no longer damage the boss when in his final, white phase. +Fixed the fade-in titles to show the correct number (1-X) for the 4-player version of 1-4 and 1-5. +Set more challenging time limits on the single-player levels. +Various level adjustments.