Difficulty Options Update (among other things)

We just launched a a pretty big update, the biggest parts of which were 1) now fully functional checkpoints, 2) "Restart" options from the pause menu and game over screen, 3) More options for "Damage Received" on the difficulty level screen Here's the full list: -Checkpoints fully functional -Added more difficulty options for damage received, up to one-hit deaths -Re-scaled the difficulty levels. In general, everything is about 10 points higher and the max difficulty is much higher with the new options (although this will still change with further updates) . -"Restart Level" and "Restart at Checkpoint" now options in the pause menu -"Restart Level" now an option on the Game Over Screen -Clubbot health reduced by 30%. -Fixed Clubbot walk animation near players. -Clubbot now has a longer tell. -Clubbot no longer interrupts attacks by any means (except when destroyed). -Guards jump outward away from walls when cornered, and bug fixed where they would stay in the standing animation while jumping. -Fixed a bug where players would jump immediately if the jump button is held and they reach a platform at the peak of a jump. -When playing 1-2 player, Red now gets her air dash back when Yellow jumps on an enemy. -Fixed a bug where Red would rarely get stuck if sliding under a narrow passage and at the end of her slide. -Fixed a bug where enemies would continue to flash well after taking damage. -Fixed a bug where holding pause to skip the intro scene, then continuing to hold it into the first area would pause as soon as the game began. -Various other minor tweaks and bug fixes